Sunday, September 28, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Thirty-nine

After a month of VERY BUSY things seem to have calmed down around here. We shall see how long that lasts!

Sunday, September 21st    
Seen around the yard – the flowers of fall… And corn & tomatoes!

My daily walk. I loved the decorated door. And I’m curious about who the yellow ribbon is for..

Monday, September 22nd    
It was Amy’s birthday today. Still glad you’re around to make my dad happy!
Fall in our Ohio…

And critters!

My daily walk. I was intrigued by this pollarded tree – which I had apparently never noticed in the 50 times I’ve walked by it this summer. Ha!

Tuesday, September 23rd  
Dr. M broke out the pirate flag to keep the sun away when we sit on the swing. I told him that he was allowed to smile in pictures & that we all wanted to see his dimples. His response? “I am disinclined to acquiesce.” Well! :)

While he was sitting out there he took pictures of birds.

My daily walk. I want to know why there was a sailboat shaped piece of bread on the sidewalk!

Wednesday, September 24th  
My daily walk. Waited until after choir practice. It was a BIT dark!

Thursday, September 25th
Heather models my latest crochet project. A friend is attending a party for someone who just gained his U.S. citizenship, so she requested a patriotic headband.

My daily walk. “The Stoop” is actually a section of sidewalk. Hmm…

Friday, September 26th
My cell phone case broke so I decided to get a penguin – ha!

Dr. M took a picture of one of my favorite scenes. I love it when the hay rolls are released to roam over the fields.

Working on another prayer shawl. I’m using up all the scraps in my basket.

My daily walk. Another day, another abandoned TV set.

Saturday, September 27th    
My daily walk. We’ve been really dry here, but someone had apparently washed their car & left behind these puddles.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, September 22, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Thirty-eight

Well, this past week has been just as crazy busy as the previous week. I’m pretty sure that it’s going to be like this until at least February.  I laughed at Steve Reed’s suggestion that I just let yesterday’s post be my weekly picture post – ha! As if you’d get off so lightly. I am toying with the idea of not posting my daily walk pictures (unless those are the only ones I have for that day) – I might try that next week. They’re all pretty similar from day to day anyway. We shall see.

Sunday, September 14th   
The Moon Man was up past midnight Saturday night…

Around the yard. Yes, that's a watermelon.

My daily walk.

I finished my dad’s birthday present.

 Monday, September 15th    
Supper – YUM! The creamed corn is from my dad’s garden.

My (late late) daily walk.

Tuesday, September 16th
I am in trouble now. Cadbury Screme Eggs in our downstairs vending area at the office. Eek!

I made Dr. M model the scarf & hat set before I boxed it up for delivery.

My daily walk. Pretty chilly (and I’ll be laughing at that statement by next month).

Wednesday, September 17th  
My dad’s birthday – Happy Birthday Daddy!
Dr. M drove by one of our local covered bridges.

Bug Household Wildlife.

My daily walk.

Dr. M has moved on from states to sailboats. This one is carrying a load of pumpkins. Heh.

Thursday, September 18th
My daily walk. I mowed the yard. While was still in the front yard the mower handle snapped in two. Fortunately duct tape lives up to its reputation! I was able to finish the whole yard.

Yes, we have corn in the back yard. I think we might get three or four ears out of this. If they actually mature un-marauded.

Friday, September 19th
Dr. M flew this flag in his classroom in honor of Talk Like a Pirate Day.

My daily walk – we’ve got our fall flag up, plus a new critter in the front yard.

Saturday, September 20th    
Bajillion pictures today – sorry! Our prayer shawl ministry group took a field trip to the Wool Gathering – which is a local craft fair for fiber arts folks. Lots of wool and yarn and crafts make for and with wool. There is also a herd dog demonstration with ducks, AND sheep/goats/alpacas/rabbits on display. They give shearing demonstrations.

We had a great time. I bought a basket & I’ve already filled it up. Ha!

Then later in the evening I took my daily walk. Those are Halloween decorations – a very orange house!

Whew! Hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

This is not my Project 365 Post

It's 9:30 at night & I have over 70 pictures to edit and, really people, I'm whupped. I'll post my week in pictures tomorrow night. Until then, enjoy these pictures of buffaloes! Dr. M took them last week & I forgot to include them.

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...