Sunday, August 24, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Thirty-four

Well, my “procedure” is behind me (ha!) & I don’t have to do that again for another 10 years. Other than that the week was pretty quiet. If a bit toady.

Sunday, August 17th  
Bought my supplies for my colonoscopy.

My daily walk.

Dr. M did some flash phone photography.

What passes for nightlife around here.

Monday, August 18th  
Dr. M saw a parakeet in our back yard! Now that’s the strangest thing yet.

Mr. & Mrs. Goldfinch stopped by for a bite to eat.

Drama Queenitude – pictures of my chicken broth, Jell-o & Ensure – and me with tape on my mouth so I wouldn’t accidentally drink anything which is actually from the next day but I’m not fixing it now. Ha! My doctor has his patients do half of the Gatorade/laxative mix one day & the other half the next day. Fun times!

My daily walk.

Tuesday, August 19th            
Almost done!

Dr. M saw this while he was waiting for me to finish my procedure. Made us laugh.

My daily walk. See that relieved look on my face? And that’s my last word on the subject. Heh.

Wednesday, August 20th
Drove by the Tax Time Pig today! And got my usual terrible photo of it.

My daily walk.

Thursday, August 21st
My daily walk. I did not sing in the rain, although as someone pointed out since my neighbors already think I’m weird I don’t know why I didn’t! (I think that sentence might have needed a comma or two.)

Dr. M saw several of these little dudes this evening.

Friday, August 22nd
We had a baby shower at work. I was supposed to bring “a vegetable.” Heh. (Many thanks to Dr. M for stopping by the farm stand to get these fresh veggies. The tomatoes were from our garden.)

My daily walk.

Saturday, August 23rd   
Participated in the ALS Ice Bucket challenge this morning. I’ll probably share the video later this week (if I can figure out how). Dr. M’s was WAY better than mine – maybe I’ll share both of them!

My daily walk mow sweat fest. Why didn’t I wait until after this to dump ice water on my head?

Dr. M took a turn at mowing. I had to laugh at the garland the mower acquired from the trees that lean over the back of our fence. Very stylish!

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Thirty-three

It’s late on Sunday night & I’m just now getting this posted. Who knows what I might say!

Sunday, August 10th  
I took pictures for a 10(ish) on 10 post today. You can see those here. Dr. M took these pictures in our back yard. There’s a sweet little Carolina Wren, and a hilarious squirrel eating one of our green tomatoes.

My daily walk - got caught in the rain.

Monday, August 11th  
My daily walk.

Inside, our tomato table is well guarded.

The moon!

Tuesday, August 12th            
Dr. M saw some lovely flowers on his way home from school today. Zinnias are some of my favorite flowers…

My daily walk.

Today I read my packet for my colonoscopy scheduled for next week. I was reading the list of things that I wasn’t supposed to eat for a week prior to the procedure, which includes nuts and tomato skins. I had to put a note on the almonds because I didn’t trust myself to remember. And then I had a “last supper” of tomato/almond salad. Ha!

Wednesday, August 13th
My daily walk – I mowed.

I had to laugh at my Map My Walk app on my phone – someone asked if I’d been chased by a bee. I promise my mowing is much more orderly than this appears!

Thursday, August 14th
Our daisies are almost done – I spent some time deadheading them today. And startling a toad.

I also finished the last bit of mowing that I didn’t do the day before. Once again I’m laughing at my app – gymnastics? Really?

My daily walk. Saw this busted up television set with a pottery jug down inside it. What the what?

Friday, August 15th

My daily walk.

Saturday, August 16th   
Dr. M’s school had a family event at the Columbus zoo today. We ate lunch with everyone & then spent three hours enjoying the zoo – walked 5 miles! If you want to see pictures of the animals go here – Dr. M did a great post. We had a wonderful time and are already talking about when we’ll go back.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

10(ish) on 10

Good morning! I have had this ancient (& slightly disgusting) makeup mirror forever. Used to be I could plug my curling iron into it, but I caught it on fire about 25 years ago when I plugged a space heater into it. Oops.

Finished setting up the altar for church. The bread & wine go on a small table at the back of the church - they're brought forward to the altar during the offering.

Time for communion...

Had a vestry meeting after church. Our vestry secretary has the COOLEST keyboard! It's just a gel overlay. I love it!

Spent most of the rest of the afternoon finishing a Harry Dresden book.

Did a walkabout in the yard - mostly to check on the progress of our two baby watermelons :)

 Went to get groceries & got some new shades.

Supper! Leftover spaghetti - yum!

Worked on my P365 post.

Took my daily walk.

Packed my lunch.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Thirty-two

We’re moving right along here. I have some friends who’ve already been counting the days until Christmas! Sheesh! Although, come to think of it, if I’m going to make anything…

Sunday, August 3rd
I found this great duct tape for Dr. M – now we just need to figure out how to use it. Ha!

My daily walk.

 The moon!

Monday, August 4th  
The older gentleman at the drugstore thought that I or someone in my household could use this. Sadly, in 5 short years I’ll actually be eligible!

Just another afternoon in the Bug backyard.

My daily walk.

The moon!

Tuesday, August 5th            
Dr. M saw some pretty things in our yard today!

And some silly ones – ha!

My daily walk – a new park. I liked it!

Speaking of silly. See what I have to live with? :)

Wednesday, August 6th
I got a new Wrap-N-Mat for my sandwiches – isn’t it cute? Our old ones were decrepit.


My daily walk – the terrorized by fluff edition.

Dr. M has had to take security measures against the squirrels – they love our tomatoes!


Thursday, August 7th
My daily walk.

We got a new dish drain! Our old one had basically rotted through – but we’d had it for 5 years so it did its duty. Dr. M got a utensil holder to use to with this one – I love it!

Friday, August 8th
My daily walk.

I set up the altar at church.

The last daylily – they were great this year.

The moon!

Saturday, August 9th   
My Daily Walk.

We met some friends (from Dr. M’s University of Cincinnati days) for pizza & ice cream – had a great time. It’s been a while since I’ve been around such a group of history nerds – it was fun!

The Moon! Almost full!

Have a great week!

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-one

Here I sit in my bathrobe, which I flang on top of my jacket, because this little Bug got her flu & Covid vaccines yesterday. I always t...