Tuesday, August 12, 2014

10(ish) on 10

Good morning! I have had this ancient (& slightly disgusting) makeup mirror forever. Used to be I could plug my curling iron into it, but I caught it on fire about 25 years ago when I plugged a space heater into it. Oops.

Finished setting up the altar for church. The bread & wine go on a small table at the back of the church - they're brought forward to the altar during the offering.

Time for communion...

Had a vestry meeting after church. Our vestry secretary has the COOLEST keyboard! It's just a gel overlay. I love it!

Spent most of the rest of the afternoon finishing a Harry Dresden book.

Did a walkabout in the yard - mostly to check on the progress of our two baby watermelons :)

 Went to get groceries & got some new shades.

Supper! Leftover spaghetti - yum!

Worked on my P365 post.

Took my daily walk.

Packed my lunch.



  1. Love the keyboard, and the new shades, too. Let me know how the baby melon turns out. I'm intrigued.


  2. I'm intrigued by your "packed my lunch" photo - is that a non-disposable ziploc bag, along the lines of your non-disposable Wrap-N-Mat from your P365 post?

    I was going to do a Ten on Ten...and forgot. Argh. Glad you didn't.

    1. Yes, that is a reusable bag. We got two of those little zippered snack bags - I think I might be using mine for goldfish this fall :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You had me going for a while there, Bug. I kept expecting your make-up mirror to figure in the altar preparation, thought I couldn't imagine how!

      I liked the passage you quoted. What book was it?

    2. Ha! That would have been fun. I'll have to figure out how to use the mirror the next time I have altar guild :)

      I'm going to assume you don't mean the Harry Dresden book (it's Small Favor, in case you did mean it). The other passage is from the People's Companion to the Breviary published by the Carmelite Monastery in Indianapolis. I'll FB you more info about it.

  4. Mrs. Chatterbox used to have a make-up mirror just like that one. I was glad to see it go.

    1. I love my mirror! I'll by very sad when it finally dies. I especially like that I can flip the mirror to the magnified side to pluck my eyebrows since I can't see anymore :)

  5. Love the new shades. I had pasta last night, too. I'm enjoying the baby watermelon watch.

  6. I want a colorful keyboard!!!!
    I haven't seen a mirror like that in a long time... reminds me of the one my mom had growing up :)

  7. My little watermelons keep splitting before they get ripe.

  8. That mirror is hilarious. I have several such items, such as the cosmetic travel bag that I've had at least 25 years. It no longer zip...and I travel with it! :)

    Love the reusable bags...I'm a little freakish about reusing, recycling, etc.

  9. I could eat spaghetti--leftover or otherwise--every single night. And if it has veg in the sauce, so much the better.

  10. Ohhh Ohhh....I love that keyboard. I could eat spaghetti everynight too. I love the stuff.

  11. What??? Did I really miss commenting on all three weeks???
    Always fascinating and fun!


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