Sunday, August 3, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Thirty-one

It’s August! What in the world! I think I didn’t get my full complement of July days…

Sunday, July 27th
Dr. M took some pictures around the yard. Love the baby watermelon!

The yard next door to our Parish house has lovely wildflowers…

My daily walk. I was going to do a whole post on this, but apparently forgot – oops! Let’s just say that the trail was NOT very well maintained & I had to turn around twice & ended up walking for less than a mile. Sigh.

That evening I helped Dr. M mow. I call this picture: Cloud and Man with Mower.

Monday, July 28th  
Around the yard.

My daily walk – at the park near the office.

I took another walk at home in the evening – ominous clouds! But then they just drifted off without doing anything.

Tuesday, July 29th            
My Daily Walk. Went to the same park near the office with a coworker in tow.

Dr. M saw a barnie in amongst our usual swifts…

And then he snuck & took a picture of me coming back in from a ride on Daisy.

Wednesday, July 30th
Around the house.

My (first) daily walk.

Apples & sharp cheddar – yum!

Walk number two.

Almost done!


Thursday, July 31st
Dr. M found some more Rose of Sharon.

Ran an errand at work & had a traffic jam on my way back to the office.

The usual suspects.

Dr. M took this picture of a wee westie :)

My daily walk.

The moon!

Friday, August 1st
Had another dental appointment – it was a consultation for me to decide whether I want to get an implant for the tooth that was pulled. I worked on another shawl while I was there.

My daily walk.

Saturday, August 2nd  
My Daily Walk.



This is what happens when I get scissor happy while deadheading daisies.

The Moon Man in Moon Mode.

The Moon!

Have a great week!


  1. Love the picture of Dr. M. mowing. Those clouds are incredible. Have a terrific week.

  2. Another good one. July did seem a little shorter this year.

  3. I never get sick of your flower pics! LOL at Thursday's "traffic jam."

  4. I love seeing what you find on your walks!

  5. Those lilies and black-eyed Susan's are pretty. You should be so proud of yourself for your dedication to your daily walk. I need some of that. You look cute in that purple hat.

  6. Daisy is looking quite streamlined these days. Much more of a Business Bike.

  7. I'm picking up that maybe blue is your favorite color.

    Love all the pretty cloud pictures...amazing the amount of variety there can be. Sometimes it makes me wish I'd taken a meteorologist course.

  8. Loved the of you. They made me happy.

  9. I love the photo of the apples and cheddar. I was talking on another blog tonight about the pleasures of salt on cantaloupe. This seems similar.

    Also love the picture of the ducks(?) crossing the road. (Why DOES the duck cross the road?)

  10. I got behind on reading your blog. I agree with all of the above.
    The field of wild flowers is much more organized than ours. Perhaps they weeded regularly.
    So, Rose of Sharon are those huge flowers I've been seeing!
    You so inspire me with your commitment to walking/biking=DAILY exercise.
    I really do want to do that this week.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...