Sunday, July 27, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Thirty

Flowers, walking, walking, flowers…

Sunday, July 20th
Hot flash in church = emergency braid!


When I pulled into the garage after church I was intrigued by the double image of our daylilies in my side view mirror.

From Around The Yard.

I turned 50 & you know what that means! I got this lovely packet Saturday, but didn’t open it until Sunday. I still haven’t read it. My appointment is in a couple of weeks. Oh joy!

My Daily Walk.
 We’ve started putting daisies in jars to enjoy in the house. 

 Monday, July 21st
The Rose of Sharon that peeks over our fence.

My Daily Walk Mow.

Tuesday, July 22nd            
Dr. M took these pictures & I thought they were so lovely that I didn’t want to do a collage AND I couldn’t pick which ones to share.

I chose an entirely DIFFERENT button for my bag. That lovely pink one wouldn’t stay clasped, so I went to the store & found one that would.

My Daily Walk.

Wednesday, July 23rd
Rosie :)

My Daily Walk – the I Got Lost Edition. It was traumatic ya’ll. I was walking during my lunch hour & I strayed from the paved path & hadn’t pulled my hair back so I was melting. I should have followed the shortcut. Ha!

That evening I relaxed with baseball and crochet.

Thursday, July 24th
My Daily Walk.

Lunch! Spinach, chicken, peaches, blueberries, almonds...

Dr. M found some corn – it was taller than the Bugly!

And then he found some sunflowers. Love them.

I painted some flowers on my toes.

Friday, July 25th
Daylily and the promise of tomatoes.

My Daily Walk – went back to the same park, but DIDN’T get lost this time. Oh, and yes, I climbed the hill :)

Saturday, July 26th  
My Daily Walk. Went to a new park near the house & thoroughly enjoyed myself!

I'm not a perfectionist (I would go insane), but when I make the decision to frog I go all out - that's an entire skein of yarn there! (Go ahead & click the link – if you don’t know what frog means it will make you laugh.)

Have a great week!


  1. (Can't believe I'm the first!)
    Love ALL the flowers, outdoors, seen in mirrors, in jars, on toes ;-) !!!
    And the walks... you put me to shame. I haven't started yet :-(
    And I learned a new word! I 'frogged' a lot this week for one of my knitting projects! LOL

  2. Not everyone can get away with wearing a daisy in their hair but you pull it off nicely.

  3. Love all of your pictures...skipped right over that salad, not commenting on that.

    You are doing so great with your daily walks! My husband was told by his doctor to aim for 15,000 to 20,000 steps daily. You can't get to that without a decent walk. So he's been doing the treadmill in the evening. If it's not raining or thundering and I can convince him that the heat and humidity is "not that bad," we go walking outside.

    It took me a minute to figure out what you meant with the "digestive health" brochure. Hahaha. I had one of those a few years ago. The procedure is a piece of cake - it's the day before that's torture. No food...that's tough for someone like me. Oh, and the other stuff... just let me give you one tip (everyone not read this comment...TMI): make sure you have baby wipes. Much, much better than even the softest toilet paper.

  4. I don't know where to begin. Daisies are so refreshing and unpretentious. The sunflowers are impressive, so cheerful. And the cone flower photos are beautiful. Loved them all.

    I had my colonoscopy a few months ago. Joy! Oh, joy! I want to hear all the gory details about your experience. Come on. It's great blogging fodder. On my last visit, my doctor said, "Well, you have ten more years before your next colonoscopy." I said, "Nope. This was my last one." I think they stop giving them at 75. I will be 74 in ten years and that's close enough in my book.

  5. I like your church top and your toes...they actually match well!

    Yummy salad! This week I did strawberries in mine.

    Love flowers in mason jars, I'm sure it really brightens things up inside.

    You must have a hairband on your wrist at all times, in case of emergency! :)

  6. Love the flowers of summer. That salad looks yummy. And what a great park nearby for walking. A beautiful place.

  7. You take the most flattering selfies of anyone I know. That "Got Lost" one is a wonderful picture of you! Mine all look awful: I appear to be at least 200 years old and possibly a zombie or someone who has been working 36 hours straight. And in all modesty, I'm really not that ugly.

    I'm so impressed by your dedication to walking, photography, and your crafts. I've been knitting the same project for about a month. Not even sure I remember what it's supposed to be.

  8. What a great post! As a seasoned knitter I do know a lot about frogging. :(


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...