Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wednesday's Random Dozen Meme
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Fifth Grade
the way I think I truly am,
I see pink barrettes
rabbit teeth
and crooked glasses.
On the cusp of adolescence –
just before I became my Mom’s
grammar police.
and already a “woman”
according to one standard of measure.
This is the person who
looks back when I stand
before the mirror.
I spent years with
disdain in my heart, but
today I am compassionate
toward that precious girl
who liked math instead of boys
and wanted to be left alone
with her books.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Taking It Easy
Anyway, up at 10:00, shower, breakfast, catch up on facebook, and it’s noon before I make my first cleaning foray – the bathroom. Cleaned the tub, toilet & sink, and took the rugs out for a wash. Then I took a computer break. I won’t take you on a cleaning journey, but let’s just say that at this rate it will be next Tuesday before I’m done. Sigh. One of my goals in life is to someday have the money to have someone clean my house. I didn’t enjoy it when I was healthy, & I especially don’t like it now. My mother cleaned houses for a living - & she was really good – but apparently she kept all that love for herself. Meh.
What is the point of all this? Just that I’m enjoying my lazy Saturday. Dr. M & I aren’t terribly concerned about dust & carpet cleanliness. We like when the house is clean, but we don’t stress about it. Sometimes what we need is a day to watch college football & baseball & play on the internet & maybe read a book. Let’s not leave the house, ok? In fact, let’s take a nap – my eyes are heavy even as I’m typing thissssssssssssssssssss
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Random Dozen Meme
- Please share one middle school memory. It can be good, bad, ugly, funny. Pictures or words, I don't care, just share. I had a friend who had a bit of a language issue (remember Janis, Kim?). She was trying to cut back on her cussing so she had me hit her in the arm every time she let loose. I had the best year!
- What's your favorite Beatles song? Eleanor Rigby. It’s always made me want to be sure that my life means something. I should listen to it every day!
- If I asked you to describe your most comfortable outfit, what would it be? It’s a matchy matchy outfit of light green cotton capris with a green & white striped top. I look like I’m about to get on a boat. I’m wearing it today with WHITE sandals, because if the weather is going to act like summer (it’s 73F & muggy) then I’m going to wear summer clothes!
- Would you rather host a party or be a guest? This is tough. I like having guests because Dr. M does all the work. I clean, but he plans & prepares the food. It’s a good partnership. And a big bonus is that I don’t have to go anywhere & can go barefoot if I want. But we don’t do it very often because it wears us out. Going to someone else’s party is less exhausting, but not quite as fulfilling.
- Do you think we will move completely from traditional books to digital ones, and if we do, are you OK with that? I sure hope not! I did just download a book from my library in PDF format to see what I thought about the concept. I have a little mini notebook & I must admit it was nice to read it on the couch without worrying about turning on a light. And I could check my email periodically. But I like books – how they feel & how portable they are & that they don’t require power (other than a light source). I would like to utilize BOTH forms!
- Do you learn best by reading, listening or experiencing? Experiencing! It’s best if someone shows me, then I read the instructions to reinforce what they showed me. Listening doesn’t really work very well for me – my mind wanders. I’m amazed that I passed any tests in school!
- If you are (or when you were) single, what is the kiss of death for you concerning the opposite sex? (That is, what is one trait or behavior or habit or anything at all that immediately turns you off from considering that person a potential match for you?) Back when I was dating the kiss of death was a person who took themselves too seriously. I am fairly irreverent – if a person couldn’t handle that then I didn’t want to hang with them – no fun!
- Snacks. Salty or sweet? Sweet – I have a bit of a problem with my sweet tooth. I did the 5 Day Miracle Diet about 10 years ago to address just that problem & it worked pretty well. But you can’t stay on a Miracle Diet forever. Sigh.
- Look around you in a four foot radius. What object is around you that you didn't realize was there or forgot was there? How long has it been there? I’m at work, but I have a food scale on my desk – in case I wanted to measure how many ounces of chocolate covered raisins I was eating (really!). I brought it in about 9 months ago, but obviously I haven’t felt the need to measure any food lately!
- What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie? Jerry Maguire (mostly because of Renee Zellweger & the little kid).
- You buy a bottle of shampoo and discover that you don't like what it does to your hair at all. What do you do with that full bottle? Bring it to work & make one of the ladies here take it.
- Your favorite Fall comfort food? (Last week it was beverage.) Pecan Pie – I know I can get it other times of the year, but it seems to show up more in the fall. mmm - sticky goodness!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hi Amy!
It was a bit rough at first. They were like teenagers – and, seriously, who needs to see your parent immersed in puppy love? No one, that’s who! Now they’ve calmed down a bit – although they’re still a little on the too sweet side for me.
Today is Amy’s birthday, & I decided it was time to introduce you to her. She makes my Dad laugh. A lot. She rode a motorcycle up until the last few years. She went to school for her Master’s degree after her children were grown & taught at the school for the deaf – the special needs kids! She is NOT a woman to be messed with! She has a smart mouth. She teaches Sunday School.
Happy Birthday Amy!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sadness and Relief
As usual, at this time of year, when none of “my” teams is in the playoffs I’m filled with sadness & relief. Bittersweet I guess. I’m sad because we won’t get to watch these teams play ever again. Sure Chipper will probably still be with the Braves next year & Bronson will most likely still pitch for the Reds, but these particular teams won’t play again. There’ll be trades, and players designated for assignment, and whippersnappers up from the minor leagues. And for heaven’s sake hopefully some good pitching will be acquired! It’ll be fun & exciting, and at first every team will be headed to the playoffs.
But I’m relieved to have the “will they win or won’t they” tension gone from my shoulders. I’ll get to pull for teams indiscriminately – probably based on who the current underdog is (this is also my strategy in the NCAA basketball tournament). I will boo the Yankees and Cardinals, but pull for almost anyone else. And it’s exciting because who knows what will happen? Probably the Yankees or Cardinals will win the World Series – but you never know! And it’s a bit liberating to not have to watch “my” team play, breath bated, all that awful agony.
I know, I’m weird. And Dr. M is going to have some choice words to say about all this once I hit Post. He never thinks it’s a good thing when our team doesn’t make it to the playoffs. And don’t we all know that part of my relief is watching his disappointment now & not his sadness later (which may or may not be accompanied by choice words and flinging of inanimate objects – a Wake Forest basketball game years ago resulted in a duct taped TV remote).
It’s hard to watch the ones we love suffer & not be able to fix it. Yeah, not really talking about baseball now – love you sweetie.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Marblehead, Ohio
passing sunflowers
and cows
and sheep
and towns with main streets
lined with magnificent homes,
coffee houses,
and hardware stores
For these, the journey would have been
But – oh that wide expanse!
All shades of blue and white,
Friday, September 11, 2009
On the road again...
See ya'll later!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Kitchen Sink
March 23, 1992
Our wedding day, December 15, 1990. We were pretending to ring the church bell. I sort of had this southern belle thing going on. As you can tell from my expression, it was a good day.
Brief update on the shoulder business
Monday, September 7, 2009
September 1990
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Staying in the Moment
Today was a definite step forward. Dr. M & I decided to go to the first home football game at his new school. We had a blast! The game was close, & we emerged victorious on a literal last second field goal by one of Dr. M’s Women’s History class students (a guy, by the way, in case you wondered - & really quite a cutie, says the woman old enough to be his mother). Wow! Now I’m all psyched to go to the other home games. I’m thinking I need a royal blue stadium seat & a more expanded wardrobe (I just have one t-shirt currently). Well, the accessories are half the fun, aren’t they? (Just re-read this paragraph – the kicker is cute, but not the reason I want to go to all the games. That would just be icky.)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I Know What you Meme - A Random Dozen
Linda over at 2nd Cup of Coffee created a meme & I decided to participate. Aren't you glad? If anyone else would like to join in the fun, you can post your answers in the comments or on your own blog & just let us know that you did it.
- When you go to Wowmart, what one thing do you get every single time, besides a funky-wheeled squeaking cart full of frustration? I don’t really have anything – we used to NEVER go, but now that we’ve moved we go much more frequently. It’s close & cheap. But wherever I go, if there’s food, I usually get some form of chocolate.
- What is something that people are currently "into" that you just don't get or appreciate? Reality TV. Meh.
- What is something that really hoists your sail that other people might feel "ho-hum" about? Baseball!
- Favorite song to sing in the shower or car? I’m such a dweeb – I don’t really sing without music on because I can never remember the words. Except for “Dime a Dance” which was on the flip side of Vicki Lawrence’s 1973 single of “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia.” I sang it incessantly as a child (I was 9 when it came out) – which was a bit of a concern to my parents since the chorus goes: “Hey mister, take a chance – it only costs you a dime a dance. And if you’re looking for romance, I’ll be nice to you…Hey mister it’s so cold if you don’t have someone to hold. I’ll do anything I’m told to do…”
- A really great salad must have this ingredient: almonds
- Advice in a nutshell to new bloggers (one or two sentences): I’m still new myself, but I’ll say that if you want to experience the blogging community you should comment on other blogs you like – they might visit you & then you can get a dialog going.
- What was the alternate name that your parents almost named you? Do you wish they had chosen it instead of the one they gave you? I don’t think there was one (was there, Daddy?). When I was a kid I didn’t like that boys and girls could have my name (Dana). Today I don’t care.
- What in your life are you waiting for? To get out of debt.
- You get a package in the mail. What is it, and who is it from? The new boots I ordered today (hence the getting out of debt problem). But I need new shoes for the more extreme winters we’re going to have now!
- Today--what song represents you? White-Wheeled Limousine by Bruce Hornsby (I’ve been in a mystery frame of mind lately).
- What is one thing that blogging has taught you about yourself? I’m a little more vain & a little less daring than I thought I was.
- How are you going to (or how did you) choose the clothes you're wearing today? What do they say about you in general or specifically how you're feeling today? I’m in normal office attire today – except that I’m wearing this particular pair of black pants because they have an elastic waist-band so I don’t have to deal with zippers & buttons with one hand. So I’d say my clothes say I’m practical!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
It's Always Something
One of my favorite movies is Joe Versus the Volcano (Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan, 1990). Dr. M & I have watched it multiple times & we have some favorite quotes that we fling at each other (and then laugh uproariously – we think we’re hilarious):
- I know he can get the job, but can he do the job?
- Wherever we go, whatever we do, we're gonna take this luggage with us!
- It’s always something with you Joe, isn’t it?
The premise of the movie is that this hypochondriac is diagnosed with a brain cloud & only has a certain number of months to live. We really enjoy how he spends his time after his diagnosis. All these little vignettes of life moments.
Really, though, I only bring it up to state the obvious. I believe that I have a brain cloud. It’s hovering somewhere just above my neck. Sometimes the sun breaks through, but mostly I’m seeing the world through a fog. No, I’m not abusing my pain meds thank you very much! Just feeling a lack of clarity & inability to write anything witty or interesting – on my blog or anyone else’s. Bear with me. I’ll be back with a vengeance soon I’m sure!
P.S. I have my first physical therapy session today. I’m sure I’ll have scads of fascinating things to say about that!
2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-five
It’s September & I’m feeling my usual angst about The Coming of the Dark. I mean, it’s nice that it’s not 90 degrees, but still… Sunday...
First, I'd like to talk about my funeral experience today. The singing was fine – I'm no Susan Boyle, but I'll do. When we...
I’m still feeling the disconnect of world events (& events here at home), & all the perky “Reason for the Season” in the air right n...