Linda over at 2nd Cup of Coffee created a meme & I decided to participate. Aren't you glad? If anyone else would like to join in the fun, you can post your answers in the comments or on your own blog & just let us know that you did it.
One of my favorite movies is Joe Versus the Volcano (Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan, 1990). Dr. M & I have watched it multiple times & we have some favorite quotes that we fling at each other (and then laugh uproariously – we think we’re hilarious):
The premise of the movie is that this hypochondriac is diagnosed with a brain cloud & only has a certain number of months to live. We really enjoy how he spends his time after his diagnosis. All these little vignettes of life moments.
Really, though, I only bring it up to state the obvious. I believe that I have a brain cloud. It’s hovering somewhere just above my neck. Sometimes the sun breaks through, but mostly I’m seeing the world through a fog. No, I’m not abusing my pain meds thank you very much! Just feeling a lack of clarity & inability to write anything witty or interesting – on my blog or anyone else’s. Bear with me. I’ll be back with a vengeance soon I’m sure!
P.S. I have my first physical therapy session today. I’m sure I’ll have scads of fascinating things to say about that!
Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. Sunday, February 2nd Ran out of yarn at the end of t...