Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hi Amy!

One year & 4 months after my Mom died, Daddy married Amy. It was a minor scandal, although lots of people told me about how a man with a happy marriage usually remarries quickly. Mostly I was just glad that someone was making him happy since I couldn’t be there myself.

It was a bit rough at first. They were like teenagers – and, seriously, who needs to see your parent immersed in puppy love? No one, that’s who! Now they’ve calmed down a bit – although they’re still a little on the too sweet side for me.

Today is Amy’s birthday, & I decided it was time to introduce you to her. She makes my Dad laugh. A lot. She rode a motorcycle up until the last few years. She went to school for her Master’s degree after her children were grown & taught at the school for the deaf – the special needs kids! She is NOT a woman to be messed with! She has a smart mouth. She teaches Sunday School.

But, mostly when I think about Amy I hear music. She & Daddy met in a singing group – the Joymakers. And they make beautiful music together. When they’re not doing slapstick. Or making doe-eyes (ick!).

Happy Birthday Amy!


  1. Hi Amy! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!

    What a sweet story.

    Wow, Missy DanaBug, you are a wonderful daughter! And much more grown up than I think I could be (but I'm learning!). Your Daddy and Amy are very blessed to have you.

  2. "She & Daddy met in a singing group – the Joymakers. And they make beautiful music together."

    Perfect! :) And a very sweet tribute.

  3. You're very noble. It's not an easy thing to see someone new in your Dad's life, apparently replacing your Mom.

    There was a sad case in my family where the widower had to choose between a wife and his only daughter who opposed the marriage. He gave up the woman. Several years later he became ill and passed away untimely.

    Happy Birthday to Amy!

  4. Happy Birthday to Amy :-)

    I think that's actually a very difficult thing to accept, even when you like the person, but you took a great attitude about your dad remarrying. Plus, it sounds like he married a very special person...

    and then managed to find another after he had lost her. Your dad is very blessed man.

  5. What no pictures!! That would be hard to deal with but I think whatever makes the person happy is what counts. I feel that way about girlfriends of my son....it is his life. Happy Birthday to Amy!

  6. My mother died age 56. My dad met somebody about 8 months later and, although they never married, they had a lasting partnership until my dad passed on age 72.

    I was only to pleased that he had somebody with whom he could share the rest of his life.

    Many happy returns of the day Amy!

  7. It's great your dad found a new love to share his life and she sounds like a really interesting lady!

  8. Thanks for the nice comments folks. My dad said that at their ages they didn't want to wait longer than absolutely necessary & I can see his point. I did suggest that they could live in sin & just not tell me, but they didn't buy that. They're all conservative that way.

    Brenda - I added a picture. I was at work when I posted this so I didn't have any available.

  9. This is such a sweet story and I wish her a Happy Birthday. I know that we all deserve to feel companionship and happiness and I am glad your dad found his.

  10. Your Dad is a lucky man to have found love twice. It's wonderful that you are so supportive of him.

  11. That's a really good photograph you've added. They are a good-looking couple and look very happy together.

    I wish them both a long, happy and healthy life.

  12. My mother never remarried after my father passed away and today I am very sorry that she did not. She was very lonely on her own. So Bug, I am very happy for your Dad. Children living their own lives just cannot fill the vacuum left by the departure of a spouse. I hope you will grow into not only a goog, but a loving relationship with her.


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