Monday, April 29, 2013

Heard in the Bug Kitchen Last Night

Dr. M (upon dropping an ice cube behind me): Danger danger...

The Bug: Will Robinson!

Dr. M: I’m glad you completed that thought because all I could think was Will Ferrell.

The Bug: Well that would be a whole OTHER kind of danger!

When my niece gave me this Webkins I named it Will Ferrell - doesn't it look just like him

Saturday, April 27, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Seventeen

As I recall I spent most of last spring exclaiming about how each week had more pictures than the last week. And it is true that Dr. M took over 300 pictures this week so I think that’s a pretty big increase from last week. BUT I’ve condensed them somewhat because instead of posting all the pictures of the moon & our trip to the fen today, I’m making you go to his blog. So, go here and here right now so you don’t forget & then come back here to check out my thoughts on our week.

Sunday, April 21st    
Cowbirds have a bad reputation (why in the world they act the way they do is beyond me!), but I love their golden brown and black.

Our diner is open to all kinds of customers – no discrimination here!

Monday, April 22nd
This cow is hilarious. First, she gave Dr. M the look that cows usually give him and then she started scratching her ear with her hoof – like a dog would. Cracks me up.

Lovely tulip picture Dr. M took on his way home from school.

We used to run the cat out of our yard because we didn’t like its hunting ways. But have you seen the number of sparrows we have?

One of the many moon pictures Dr. M took this week. If you haven’t already, head over to his blog here to see the rest.

Tuesday, April 23rd           
This tree is just over the fence in our backyard. Lovely!

Yep, business is booming!

Wednesday, April 24th   
I got flowers from my company for Administrative Professionals Day. I took great delight in posing them next to my “Do I look like a people person?” sign. Heh.

More tulips – ‘tis the season. I’ve certainly enjoyed them!

Baby bull on the mooove, and an even tinier calf with its mom.

Thursday, April 25th    
I love this house’s phlox & tulips – so pretty!

And isn’t it cool how they’ve incorporated the dandelions into the landscaping?

Fat goldfinch.

Friday, April 26th  
It was a bit cold this morning.

I got a free garbage bag full of skeins of yarn in bright colors, so I came up with a project to incorporate some of them. I show you guys what it is once it’s done.

Dr. M took this really cool picture of a goose & its reflection – LOVE this!

Red-wing blackbird.

Saturday, April 27th    
Today after returning the zippy little rental car (Ms. Saturn is fixed & back home now – woot!), Dr. M & I went to the Siebenthaler Fen to see if the swamp marigolds were blooming now. They were – so here’s the State of the Bug: Happy! If you haven’t already done it you can check out more Fen pictures on Dr. M’s blog (you should – he used the best ones over there).

We got a new finch feeder because the finches would land on our old one, look kind of sad, & then leave again. I think this one is a hit!

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Moon Man

The Moon Man scans the sky.
Dippers, small and large
hold his dreams.
He drinks his fill
and waits.

When she appears,
the moon is a hussy,
and makes him
laugh at her
full-figured glory.
Simmer down now!

He’s in her thrall
and finds it hard to
remember that
she comes and goes –
shy and brazen,
flirtatious and sad,
always seductive.
Not to be trusted,

Much better to
stow his dreams
in that cup of stars
pointing north.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Short Stories

- Last week was a just a big bundle of ugly – nationally & personally. I was having a really hard time finding the joy (turns out it was at Dr. M’s school on Saturday night – the Spamalot folks had been hogging it). But this is a new week, hopefully filled with answers and repaired cars.

- While my car is in the shop I’m driving a zippy little Toyota Corolla. Thank goodness it has cruise control! The color is a little too sedate for my tastes (someday I will own a bright yellow car – I will! Or is it I shall? Hmmm), but I’m enjoying it anyway.

- It was a beautiful day today. I met my boss coming back from lunch as I was heading out & he made me promise to come back to work. It was tempting to just drive down to the Ohio River & hang out. I don’t know why the company can’t issue iPads & let us all head out to the park…

- With the imminent demise of Google Reader I’ve started using Bloglovin’. It has some good things going for it, and some negative things, but mostly it’s working out for me. HOWEVER, there are some posts that just never show up on there. So if I usually comment on your blog & you haven’t seen me in a while, let me know.

 - Here is something fascinating (I know, you’ve been waiting all post to read something fascinating): that business of concentrated black cherry juice concentrate being an anti-inflammatory is TRUE! As I had mentioned here, my doctor was concerned about my kidneys & told me to stop taking NSAIDS. So I did. And then I started adding the aforementioned cherry juice to my evening lemonade & the effect was pretty miraculous. I still have some pain, but my shoulder & hand pain has subsided a great deal. I’m sold!

- Finally, one of the hazards of being Junior Warden – you get to ferry toilet seats in your car. Woot?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Sixteen

We are moving into the season of a ridiculous number of photos. I’m glad that I never even tried to limit myself to one picture per day because at this point I’d probably just have to throw darts to pick my favorite – ha!

Sunday, April 14th    
This week really is all about the birds. Here are some from our back yard. I tried to do a collage that I liked, but I ended up just wanting to leave these pictures by themselves.

Monday, April 15th     
Dr. M took some pictures on his way home from work (I know, he never does that).


And here is the man himself doing one of his favorite things.

This grackle is wondering if the man with the camera is ever going to go away!

The moon!

Tuesday, April 16th           
Squirrel antics.

Blooming trees!

Wednesday, April 17th   
Another blooming tree.

Cardinal in the back yard.

I took these pictures in the bathroom at work. I think the new soap dispensers are ALARMING! I was wondering what in the world until I sorted out what they were. And the name of this toilet paper? Let’s just say that there isn’t really any truth in advertising here.

The State of the Bug: Photoshopped! I had Mount Vesuvius on my chin this week (trust me – it had calmed down considerably by the time I took this picture!). I thought it would be interesting to see what the blemish eraser feature on PicMonkey would do. And then, for fun, I decided to go the rest of the way with a much more flattering filter. So, the Bug in the raw, the Bug with MV erased, & the Bug ready for her (photoshopped) close-up. [Note: click on the picture to make it bigger - you can't get the full effect of the volcano otherwise]

Thursday, April 18th    
Around the yard – our miniature rose is ready for its spring rebirth.


Friday, April 19th  
More squirrel antics.

Another blooming tree (ho-hum – ha!).

A killdeer! We hadn’t ever gotten a picture of one before – cool!


Red-winged blackbird singing his heart out.

Saturday, April 20th    
Dr. M & I went to see his school’s production of Spamalot (yes, this is on my 50x50 list). It was a total hoot – I thoroughly enjoyed it. And they did such a good job. I got a picture of the Lady of the Lake, aka Guinevere, and King Arthur (looking kingly beside Dr. M).

The moon!

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 

2025 Project 365 – Week Six

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen.  Sunday, February 2nd       Ran out of yarn at the end of t...