Thursday, April 11, 2013

Relay for Life

It’s a list I hold in my heart. Slim, Nadine, MaryAnn, Jeanine, Barry, an 18 year old girl from Kentucky for whom I prayed for two years, Lee, Ruth, Denise, Kathy…  these are the ones who’ve left us. And then there are the ones who are still here, maybe in remission, maybe still fighting, but always & forever living in its shadow. Sherri, Jenny, Bev, Terri, Kate… I am one person, with a smallish sphere of friends, (and a terrible memory – I know there are folks I’ve left off this list!). Let’s multiply me by a number too large for me to contemplate and then imagine how many people those folks know who have been affected by cancer.

I can’t really. I really can’t.

Dr. M & I are participating in his school’s Relay for Life event on Friday night, with the department of Social and Behavioral Sciences (they call themselves the Social Deviants). It’s gonna be chilly, and we’ll be there until midnight. But it’s such a small effort on our part. We’ll be laughing and mourning, walking and resting, eating and drinking, and then we’ll drive an hour home.  Piece of cake. (ooh I hope there IS cake!). It kind of sounds like a wake – maybe if we all do this often enough it will be a wake – for cancer. Boo yah!

Dr. M & I have already met our modest goals – but if you’re interested in helping out send me an email. Thanks!


  1. Good for you! My sister-in-law does the walk and always sends a photograph of the luminary I purchase for Mom.

  2. We did that with my friend Steph while she was battling colon/liver cancer. Its so emotional seeing all of those lights around the track...chills

  3. I just heard about a similar upcoming event here. I think I need to check into it. Thanks for the reminder. Good luck! :)


  4. Our high school is ginning up for our Relay for Life event. It's something so many kids, across so many spectra, identify with because cancer is no respecter of position, prestige, power or economics.

    Have fun with the Deviants -- very few of those who we have loved on this side of the grave want us to be miserable simply because they've moved on. Yes, it's proper to mourn, but there's also a time to dance. Do a little of both. Especially if there's cake.

  5. Replies
    1. P.S. you know there'll be a post about it...

  6. Such a worthy cause. Good for you.

  7. My husband and I were just talking about cancer and how it seems to be more prevalent than ever: maybe environmental or all the things they put in our food supply. We all know so many people who've fought this fight. Your warm hearts will chase away the cold. I'll be thinking of both of you tomorrow night.

    1. I lost a colleague to radon related cancer, a friend to asbestos related cancer, and on and on and on. It is all around us, lurking in air and water and soil, in food and beverage. We learn a bit more about carcinogens each year, as well as genetic predisposition, etc., but still, it comes and takes away a 54 year old colleague. Thank you for your thoughts and encouragement!

  8. The first friend I lost to cancer was a cancer researcher who died of the same kind she was researching. It added a certain spookiness to the whole thing - but she was terrifically dedicated and hoped to the end that her experience might contain a key for future research. My dad died of cancer - after five heart attacks. It's just so strange....

    I've never heard of the Relay for Life - we have events here, of course, but perhaps yours is regional. Looking forward to hearing about it.

    1. I realized after you commented that I should have had a link in the post - duh! It's through the American Cancer Society - you can check it out here:


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