Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Prayer Shawl

Unable to articulate
the prayer of my heart
my fingers fly
Single stitch
Chain chain chain
Double stitch
Double stitch
Double stitch
Yarn over and over
until fear and rage
turn into love

This shawl is going out to a friend, a breast cancer survivor, who is now in treatment for colon cancer. 


  1. It is such a comfort! glad you are making her one- I have been trying to
    figure out haw to do one from fabric
    since I do not knit or crochet!

    1. Thanks Izzy! I would love to see what you come up with if you succeed - I'm not very good with fabric myself (shuddering as I remember the upholstery class I took - the sewing machine hated me!).

  2. Sweet project. Our church (and many others) have knitting groups to do prayer shawls. The poem is so true..."until fear and rage turn into love." Beautiful; the poem and the shawl.

  3. wouldn't it be nice if all our good wishes were crocheted up in there and had the power to cure.

    1. Your mouth to God's ear Ellen (you know God's listening especially to you - right?). :)

  4. that poem struck me... I sat & knitted a blanket in a chemo unit with my friend taking her treatment. fear & rage... you nailed it.

    That is going to bless your friend when she receives it.

  5. I love the simplicity and power of your poem, and I'm sure your gift will bring much comfort.

    1. Thanks Stephen - I sure hope so. It's hard because she's in NC so I can't be there to support her in person.

  6. OH, I am SAD for your friend re visiting cancer! Your action is pure love...and praying over it says so much to your dear friend. It is a beautiful color of blue. I will pray for your friend too.

  7. Your friend is going to love it. Best wishes to her for a successful treatment!

  8. What a wonderful gift for a friend in need of comfort. I can't think of anything better. The shall if beautiful and so is the sentiment.

  9. Of course you know I meant shawl not shall. Let's chalk that up to my southern heritage.

  10. I am going to learn how to crochet this summer. I can't wait. I loved the prayer shawl. I have been making the scarves in pinks for my breast cancer friends.

  11. Wow, that is a beautiful shawl. I hope it brings healing energy to your friend.

  12. It is beautiful. I hope it brings comfort to your friend.


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