Monday, April 8, 2013

50x50 Update

It's the long awaited progress report on my 50x50 project! I know you've just been beside yourselves with curiosity wondering how I'm doing. Well, first of all, here are some more items for the list (if you'll recall, I'd gotten up to 35 before).

36. Finish reading the Mary Russell books.
37. Cook something new once per month (yeah – I’m not aiming for the moon here – ha!).
38. Go through my closet with a fierce and brutal eye.
39. See Anne & Ken face to face again.
40. Write my 1000th blog post.
41. Take Dr. M to Trader Joe’s
42. Write down all the movies we watch (so I can remember if I’ve watched the movie – sheesh!).
43. Go see Spam-A-Lot
44. Go to a performance at the Schuster center.
45. Visit Siebenthaler Fen once per season (Spring is done)
46. Go to the NC Outer Banks
47. Write & post 40 poems no matter how bad they are.
48. Come up with two more things by the time I’m 50!

So, how am I doing? Well, let's just say that all the personal improvement goals are a work in progress. I have worked hard to do more things than just hang out on the computer, and I've been gazelling semi-regularly. And I've actually lost some weight, so I think the food battle is a little more under control.

There are some things that I've accomplished (or have scheduled) & to make myself feel better I'm going to list them here :)

2. Go see the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Cincinnati Museum Center.
4. Go to an exhibit at the local historical society museum. (Scheduled)
11. Go see Les Miserables in the theater.
12. Go to a Cincinnati Reds baseball game. (Scheduled)
20. Get my hair trimmed at least twice! (this is half completed)
43. Go see Spam-A-Lot (Scheduled)
45. Visit Siebenthaler Fen once per season (Spring is done)
46. Go to the NC Outer Banks (scheduled)

I have to say that all of this list making & checking is exhausting - I just hope I can keep track of it all for the next year!


  1. Going through your closet will be liberating, if you do indeed do it with a fierce and brutal eye, as you say. I really streamlined my wardrobe and got rid of a ton of clothes, using the "if I haven't worn it in a year" rule. Having fewer choices actually gives me greater flexibility. I find that I mix and match more, and I employ scarves more creatively.

    The cooking thing...need any easy, quick recipes? Let me know!

  2. I love lists because I love crossing things off lists!

    Good for you to make the list at all.

    I suggest #49 should be ride a bike. But then, you know me...;-)

  3. good progress. I make lists and then forget to take them with me. I know, different kind of list.

  4. I love to make lists. I make lists of lists to make. I know, I have issues. The thing about lists though - I have to get all the things done on them otherwise I freak out. So, I thought I was soooo clever in where I posted my lists (which are actually sticky notes) - I stick them inside of my kitchen cabinet doors. The cabinet I open every every day those hot pink pieces of "have to get dones" are looking right at me!

  5. I AM going to add bicycling to my list! Dr. M & I have actually talked about it - I want to rent a bicycle & see how it goes.

    That's a great idea Kimberly - maybe I'll post it to the fridge door :)

  6. Dana, when you rent the bike, make sure you have them FIT IT TO YOU. Don't just accept whatever they offer and take off. A good fit makes a HUGE difference in how good it will feel (or not). If they look at you like you're asking for Chinese food in an Italian restaurant, go to a different bike shop.

  7. I love your list! And I think the goal of cooking something new once a month is a great idea. It's so easy to get into a rut in the kitchen. Maybe you can post the recipe of the "new" know, to inspire the rest of us.

    When I did my list, we tried so many new things and had so much fun. Without the list, I've found we've fallen into a bit of a rut again (like, still not been to the Dali Museum...). I may do another project like this next year again.

  8. You inspire me. No, really! My project 56.0 list is overloaded with self-improvement items. I should have known better, but I do strive for improvement. I've considered abandoning the project altogether because getting through the week takes so much effort!

    But as I say, you inspire me, so perhaps I'll revisit my list and give it some tweaking. I applaud the progress you have made on yours.

  9. Umm....shouldn't #39 be BARBIE and Ken? ;)


  10. You are far more organized than I'll ever be. When you finish with your closet you're welcome to tackle mine.

  11. you will have to give a review of Spam-a-Lot - i've been a bit put off by the comments of some of the other pythons, plus some of the plot points - but people seem to enjoy it, so it would be good to hear from someone who actually went

  12. I get nothing accomplished without a list to check off what I have done. Interesting to see what is on other people's list.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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