Monday, April 29, 2013

Heard in the Bug Kitchen Last Night

Dr. M (upon dropping an ice cube behind me): Danger danger...

The Bug: Will Robinson!

Dr. M: I’m glad you completed that thought because all I could think was Will Ferrell.

The Bug: Well that would be a whole OTHER kind of danger!

When my niece gave me this Webkins I named it Will Ferrell - doesn't it look just like him


  1. Replies
    1. It was just automatic when we saw him: Will Ferrell. Our niece just wanted to share the love of Webkins with The Bug...little did she know what she let out of the box! :-)

  2. Will wishes he looked that good. Does the Webkin strip down at every opportunity, too?

    1. Well, he WOULD strip if he were actually wearing clothing :)

  3. holy crap. it really, really does.

  4. OK, I have to admit the stuffed animal is cute, but the entire conversation is lost on me. All I could think is, "Huh?"

    1. I guess I should have included a link for the reference - ha!,_Will_Robinson

    2. Thanks for the link - that explains it. A catchphrase from the 1960's naturally would be lost on me. I didn't come to the U.S. until 1980, so anything in popular culture before that is like a black hole to me.

      I only know about "the Beaver" and "Green Acres" because I watched reruns on TBS. :-)

  5. LOL -- that DOES look like Will Ferrell. How bizarre!

  6. I don't really care for Will Ferrell, his comedies which is what people know him for. But have you ever seen him in a dramatic role. OMG. He was amazing.


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