Monday, April 22, 2013

Short Stories

- Last week was a just a big bundle of ugly – nationally & personally. I was having a really hard time finding the joy (turns out it was at Dr. M’s school on Saturday night – the Spamalot folks had been hogging it). But this is a new week, hopefully filled with answers and repaired cars.

- While my car is in the shop I’m driving a zippy little Toyota Corolla. Thank goodness it has cruise control! The color is a little too sedate for my tastes (someday I will own a bright yellow car – I will! Or is it I shall? Hmmm), but I’m enjoying it anyway.

- It was a beautiful day today. I met my boss coming back from lunch as I was heading out & he made me promise to come back to work. It was tempting to just drive down to the Ohio River & hang out. I don’t know why the company can’t issue iPads & let us all head out to the park…

- With the imminent demise of Google Reader I’ve started using Bloglovin’. It has some good things going for it, and some negative things, but mostly it’s working out for me. HOWEVER, there are some posts that just never show up on there. So if I usually comment on your blog & you haven’t seen me in a while, let me know.

 - Here is something fascinating (I know, you’ve been waiting all post to read something fascinating): that business of concentrated black cherry juice concentrate being an anti-inflammatory is TRUE! As I had mentioned here, my doctor was concerned about my kidneys & told me to stop taking NSAIDS. So I did. And then I started adding the aforementioned cherry juice to my evening lemonade & the effect was pretty miraculous. I still have some pain, but my shoulder & hand pain has subsided a great deal. I’m sold!

- Finally, one of the hazards of being Junior Warden – you get to ferry toilet seats in your car. Woot?


  1. That's interesting about the black cherry juice concentrate. Where do you buy it - in a regular grocery store?

    Hope you enjoy the Toyota Corolla...but not too much to make it hard to return to your old car. The Corolla was on my short list before I bought my car, but then I ended up with the Honda Fit.

    1. It's in the supplement section of the store - by the vitamins. The kind we get comes in 16 oz bottles. It's pretty pricey. I use 2 oz at a time.

      I'm already bored with the car - there's nowhere for my left leg to stretch out (for being such a shrimp I have longish legs). So darn. Or, rather, good - I'll be glad to get my car back :)

    2. It is one of those things that is on the margin as far as verified effectiveness, but if it works for you, it works well! It is really effective for my occasionally bouts with gout. I read about it online when my big toe was hurting, bought a bottle, and within two weeks was pain free. Gout recurred the next winter, I bought a bottle, and within two weeks, gout free. I didn't figure it would work for The Bug, but hallelujah! It does! You can get juice concentrate or even capsules now, or you can just eat a boatload of black cherries :-)

  2. I love black cherry juice. Maybe that's why I seldom get infections.

  3. for a second there i thought you'd had a toilet fitted in your car

    1. Oh man I so wish I could do that! Although I'm not sure how I'd make use of it while driving...

  4. I'm glad this week is looking up. I never heard that about black cherry juice! Interesting!

    I don't use a Google-Reader-type device for my blog reading -- I just click down the links column on my blog page. Which probably doesn't really help you, but if you need an alternative...:)

    1. I follow a ridiculous number of blogs - I found that I just couldn't keep up when I used the blog page list.

  5. Wow...I did not know about the black cherry juice. I have been checking out infused waters....and eating the heck out of blueberries.

  6. Glad to hear the juice works for you.

  7. I'd be in jail without cruise control. I have a need for speed and it takes over when I don't have my car in cruise control.
    One of my closest friends had a yellow mustang in 1968, and I can't tell you how much fun we had in that car. Thanks for the black cherry concentrate tip. I'll pass it on to a friend and my sister.

  8. Back when the Isuzu Troopers first came out, I wanted a bright yellow one. Now, though, I am all about black cars. I just like how a black car always looks expensive and chic.

  9. The other great thing about rental cars? They are CLEAN! :)

    I use control constantly. If its at night and I super tired, I have trouble maintaining speed and end of doing 50 in a 65....perhaps more dangerous than speeding!


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