Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

I’ve been busy taking care of niggling things – getting concealer to cover up my recent outbreak of rosacea (I look like a scary clown – seriously!), figuring out what that painful knot is on the bottom of my foot (a seed corn – yay! Yes, this is self-diagnosed, but I’m about 98% sure…), making plans to get back on track with healthy eating so I can weigh substantially less at my next doctor’s appointment (April), and figuring out how to refine a work process so that it’s easier for me to work from home. One might think that perhaps I’m getting ready for a new year or something. But no! These aren’t my New Year’s resolutions.

Sadly, since I pretty much ignored them, I’ve decided to just recycle last year’s resolutions:

1.       Have better posture.
2.       Look at my calendar every morning.

But this year I have a plan for actually accomplishing those goals. First, I’m going to do some research into the best exercises and methods for obtaining excellent posture. Second, I’m going to put a blasted alarm on my phone to remind me to look at my calendar. I’m going to set the reminder to “nag every minute” so that it keeps popping up until I look at the calendar. That should do the trick. Right? Right?

Dr. M and I have a low key evening planned and an even lower key day tomorrow. I have a new Eve Dallas book to read so I’ll be lounging around (I mean, sitting up straight in my chair) all day.

What are you guys up to?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Fifty-two

First of all, yes, I certainly did put 2015 on the Christmas poem. I have no idea why. I think maybe I’m just extra done with 2014? In any case, this does NOT mean that Dr. M gets out of writing a poem for next year.

 It’s the last week of the year! Sort of, since the New Year starts on Thursday. I’ve been trying to decide whether or not to continue this for 2015 – and if I did continue would I do the same thing (post a jillion pictures every week). I’m still not really sure, and since I’m not sure, I’m pretty sure I’ll just keep on doing it the same way. Maybe. And on that very concrete note, let’s get to the jillion pictures I’m posting this week! I actually thought about breaking it up into two posts, but I’ve decided to let you guys take your own break. If you want to stop reading at Wednesday & come back again later that’s perfectly fine. Heh.

Sunday, December 21st  
My daily walk. I think Santa had been partying a little too hard the night before.

Monday, December 22nd
Heading to North Carolina!

On our way down I saw this shop window – penguins!

My daily walk – my dad’s treadmill…

Tuesday, December 23rd       
Dr. M was stalking the birds in my dad’s backyard. I’m highly amused that the blue jay & red bellied woodpecker were swiping dog food. The Carolina chickadee & tufted titmouse were at the correct feeder :)

Dr. M & I went out to do our usual last minute shopping, but had to get some Carolina BBQ first. I went with the vinegar sauce. YUM!

Later that afternoon my dad & I tried to snooze a bit.

My daily walk – treadmill again, with hair all in my face. It’s long enough now that I really need to remember to pull it back when I walk!

Wednesday, December 24th
My daily walk – out to my brother’s house & back. Yes, that was a pretty short walk – but it had been raining, so I think the squelching made it a harder workout.

Dr. M went out to visit his dad & saw, guess what? I love the foggy pictures…

Christmas with my brother and his family. Fun!

Thursday, December 25th
Christmas breakfast – leftover Chinese food plus candy that my nephew brought me from Japan. Most excellent!

On our way to Dr. M’s dad’s house we saw some of the usual suspects.

My daily walk – down to the church cemetery where Dr. M’s mother and grandparents rest.

When we went by to pick up his Aunt Judy these guys came by to greet us. Ha!

Christmas with Dr. M’s family – always a great time.

The moon!

Friday, December 26th  
My daily walk. Daddy took me over to my Aunt Mimi’s property so I could walk around. My cousins & some of their kids were there (score!) and some of us walked down to the river.

While I was doing that, Dr. M was doing his thing. 

Saturday, December 26th    
Spent the day with friends from college (well, one of them is my first cousin so I’ve known her a little longer). This is the group of ladies that’s been getting together since around 1984 or so. A couple of the next generation girls joined us (they’re the ones that look like models). We had a great time – lunch first, & then shopping in Blowing Rock and Boone. I totally counted that as my daily walk! By the way – I had to laugh at the barrel of “candy sticks” at the general store. They sure still look like candy cigarettes to me!

Dr. M took a last drive around to check out his flocks.

Whew! Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

With apologies to Nance (I asked for her advice & then mostly ignored it - ha!), I give you the annual Christmas poem. Blessings to you & yours!

John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness,
“Make ye straight the path of the Lord!”
Ah Lord, our paths to you are
We look left and right,
to neighbors or senators,
to gold gloves
and golden globes.
But it’s quite simple, really.
I’ve filled my flask
with wild honey.
There, just ahead, is a light
shining in the darkness.
I think I’ll follow it
to Bethlehem.

Dana & Mike Rhyne

Christmas 2015

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Wayback Wednesday

Since tomorrow is Christmas I decided to post my throwback pictures today. These are from Christmas 1977 - we had a Polaroid camera & obviously enjoyed taking pictures with it. In the pictures are my dad, mom, brother, and me - with a family shot with my dad's parents, two of his sisters, and a couple of cousins at the end.

Daddy looks a little bit like Sheldon Cooper here doesn't he?

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!

P.S. - bonus shot of our old dog Alexander :)

Sunday, December 21, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Fifty-one

The theme of this week is: how many different Christmas jammies will The Bug wear during her daily walks? Also, Other Assorted Christmas and Crochet.

Please note: Not to offend anyone, but I think the use of the word "jammies" instead of pajamas sounds really weird. And makes me crave jam (specifically, strawberry). But for some reason Christmas pajamas just ARE jammies. 

Sunday, December 14th
My daily walk. This was my last outside walk of the week.

Monday, December 15th Happy Anniversary!
It was our anniversary, but Dr. M was grading all day & I had to work, so we waited until Tuesday to celebrate. I decided that I needed to block the little hat I had made. I dampened the brim & found just the thing to use as a hat form so it could dry straightened out somewhat.

That evening I decided to make a hat that might actually fit an infant.

My daily walk – the first of the Christmas jammies. Plus, snowman earrings!

Tuesday, December 16th      
I thought a hat comparison was in order. Ha!

Dr. M found some Christmas decorations – imagine that!

We went out to our favorite Mexican restaurant for our anniversary. We took pictures of the food, but you know, Mexican food isn’t really all that attractive. Heh.

My daily walk – Chilly Willy Christmas jammies.

Wednesday, December 17th
Our Christmas tree. We have just a FEW penguin ornaments. Just a few. Hundred. Probably.

Dr. M has been working on paracord bracelets for folks.

I had the day off (don’t go back to work until the 29th – woo hoo!), so I worked on Christmas cards. We send out around 90 every year. Yes, we are insane.

I had choir practice & decided to get a picture of the altar. Waiting…

My daily walk, this time not in jammies – just a Christmas vest.

Thursday, December 18th
Hard at work on another crochet project I happened to glance down & was highly amused. From Facebook: I just told Dr. M that I didn't know how he's been able handle how sexy I've looked all day. What? You don't think Chilly Willy jammies, plaid shirt, purple socks, & slippers are sexy?

My daily walk. Sock Monkey-ish Gingerbread Man jammies.

Friday, December 19th  
Finished! Whew! This is for a Penn State fan.

This is for Bella Rum at Cul-de-Sac Chronicles – it’s my handy dandy needle threader – designed for yarn. I noticed when I took the picture that the small wire part meant for regular needles & thread is broken.

We decided to have date night at Rural King and drove around looking at lights afterward. This place was impressive – they had music, and one of the trains had a camera on it, which fed to the TV screen.

My daily walk – boring jeans and a pajama top. But look! I noticed this tiny little pocket on the sleeve which was perfect for my MP3 player :)

Saturday, December 20th    
Got the bright idea to make booties to go with the little hat. Um, a little large, yes? Ha!

My daily walk. OK, this was really cheating, but I did actually walk for 20 minutes – up and down the hallway, so I could watch Forrest Gump. And just today I noticed that he’s reading a Playboy magazine in that picture. Oh my!

Hope everyone has a great week!

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-one

Here I sit in my bathrobe, which I flang on top of my jacket, because this little Bug got her flu & Covid vaccines yesterday. I always t...