Friday, December 12, 2014

10ish on 10

Dr. M & I both worked from home this day - it was nice to know that he was just in the next room if I wanted to chat because when I go into the office I always spend some time hanging out in HR. He was filling in for my HR ladies today. Heh.

Let's get started.

My very orange breakfast.

My view at my desk :)

Dr. M keeping his constituents happy.

Dr. M brought the tree in!!

I finished a scarf for our Dirty Santa party at work.

Took my walk.

Dr. M decided to bring Christmas to the outside of our house too!

Went to choir practice.

Dr. M made some paracord bracelets for me to take to the office party - they're in our company's new colors. Meanwhile, I started working on a cap made of a really ugly reflective yarn - when I walk at night & wear this puppy there's no chance I won't be seen!

Love the Jacque Lawson advent calendar. 

Bed time! I just barely made it under the wire. This isn't typical for me - I prefer to be lights out by 11:00, but these days I'm just getting wound down about then. 
How was your day?


  1. Looks like a very pleasant day was had by all. Now stretch this into 2 more. :)

  2. By the time I realized it was the 10th, it was already too late. So I'm enjoying your pictures!

    I usually try to be in bed around 10:00 - anything later and I'm getting worthless.

  3. That egg yoke looks a bit too cooked to suit my taste. I like them dippy.

  4. I have to agree with Stephen. And is that mustard underneath it? I couldn't eat that though SWMBO might like it.

  5. looks like a good day. I was still up at 2 AM reading.

  6. that's a pretty nice gift for a dirty santa party!! I want to come to yours!! I didn't know they made reflective yarn...pretty cool.

  7. Reflective yarn?! What will they think of next? I don't know how you stay up until 11 -- I am usually unconscious by 10!

  8. love those bracelets, and that reflective yarn! I will try to remember this type of post for the new year. I am needing post ideas.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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