Sunday, December 7, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Forty-nine

I don’t know about you, but by the time I had edited all these pictures I was about tired of seeing my face. I didn’t really notice as I went along, but there are about four too many selfies in this post!

Sunday, November 30th
Our last day in NC. I went to the nursing home with Daddy to help him lead singing for their Sunday School class. My aunt V plays the piano & I thought it was QUITE fitting that the first hymn we sang was “There is Power in the Blood”.

Dr. M took a few last pictures around the house & then we headed out. I worked on my latest prayer shawl – I think it’s going to be a bit shocking with all that pink & purple :)

When we got back home it was so warm that I decided to take my walk outside.

Monday, December 1st     
Happy Birthday to my fabulous brother!

I had the day off from work so I crocheted my first ever baby hat. Yes, I know these aren’t baby colors, but that’s the cotton I had on hand so I decided to try it anyway. Heh.

My daily walk. Just a bit of a temperature drop.

Tuesday, December 2nd      
Our weekly Pinky picture…

My daily walk. I’m not sure how exciting I can keep making these indoor Gazelle pictures.

Wednesday, December 3rd   
My annual squishing.

I took my daily walk at a park near the office & became an accidental geocacher! I need to go back when it’s not so cold & see if I can get a better picture of the log book.

Meanwhile, Dr. M was stalking this guy.

And getting a picture of a tattooed Santa for me. Ha!

Thursday, December 4th
Campus deer. I think it looks like she’s wearing high heels.

My daily walk. Well, this picture is a little more interesting – you can see our very messy dressing room/Dr. M’s office. And yes, we really do have shoes everywhere. 

Friday, December 5th  
My daily walk – it was raining & chilly, but I was tired of the Gazelle. As a reward I got to see a blue pumpkin!

Saturday, December 6th    
Today our knitting group (plus one crocheter – that’s me!) took a field trip to a really nice yarn shop & then had lunch afterward. We had a great time – all spent more than we meant to. I can’t believe I didn’t take a picture of the shop or any of the yarn I bought, but you’ll see it when I make something with it. Anyway, here we are at lunch. I had a salmon salad, but forgot to take a picture of it until it was gone.

My daily walk. As I said on Facebook, August (the inflatable emperor penguin) isn't sure why he has to wear my summer hat, a St. Patrick's Day headband, two leis, a hula skirt, a colorful poncho, and a fabric flower... Maybe that's why he's listing to one side...

The moon!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. You may have forgotten to photograph lunch, but dessert is always my favorite part anyways!

    Boy you did have a big temperature swing didn't you?

  2. Yes, deer in high heels! Your dessert looks yummy...what was it?

  3. A fun combination of photographs. It's like spending the week with you. Take care.

  4. The deer does look like it's wearing high heels. Ha! Lot's of interesting pix. Hope this week is a good week for you and gives you lots of photo opportunities.

  5. I've always found the idea of geocaching interesting, but I've never actually done it.

    The deer DOES look like she's in high heels!

    That poor penguin does seem a bit overburdened. :)

  6. Oh man. I miss my knitting group. It's always fun to sit & do all things yarn with other yarn-freaks :)
    I love that crochet needle - looks easy to hold.
    You just made me think of my grandma - that is one of her favorite hymns.

  7. I just really dislike those air filled balloon thing seasonal decorations. give me lights and wood cut-outs!

  8. That deer IS wearing high heels!

  9. For the deer:

  10. That is one stylish deer! I like the pink and purple yarn mixed in with the blue in your new prayer shawl project. I can totally understand the desire to walk outside, even in the rain, just for a change of scene :) Doing good girl, I'm proud of your walking routine! Now if you could send a little motivation my way :) We walk a few days every week, but haven't gotten into the every day habit yet. And we need to!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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