Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

With apologies to Nance (I asked for her advice & then mostly ignored it - ha!), I give you the annual Christmas poem. Blessings to you & yours!

John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness,
“Make ye straight the path of the Lord!”
Ah Lord, our paths to you are
We look left and right,
to neighbors or senators,
to gold gloves
and golden globes.
But it’s quite simple, really.
I’ve filled my flask
with wild honey.
There, just ahead, is a light
shining in the darkness.
I think I’ll follow it
to Bethlehem.

Dana & Mike Rhyne

Christmas 2015


  1. 2015??? Have we been writing that just a bit too much lately for work? ;0)

    Merry Christmas (2014) to you!

  2. Bwahahaha!! I sent 90 of these out with the wrong date & you're the first person to notice. You should get a prize :)

  3. Merry Christmas to you, too! I always tend to send my holiday wishes at the last minute...I admire your discipline to be so early and already have 2015's wishes sent!


  4. I'm a little late to make the Date Joke. Oh well! Happy Holiday.

  5. Love the poem...hope your day was happy!


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