Thursday, December 4, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

1982 or 1983? A college trip to Washington D.C. Me in my very fancy jelly shoes & short skirt. It was all a little bit more risque than my usual attire. I got whistled at in Georgetown! I'm pretty sure I was relieved to go back to my bluejeans...

P.S. I added the penguin just now. He wasn't really sitting there when the picture was taken.


  1. Weird... a minute ago the human calendar said it was December 5th, and I was laughing at it because it's only 4:57 pm on the 4th (and only 7:57 on the east coast) and I was wondering where the calendar originated because it's certainly not the 5th anywhere in the United States just yet. But then I clicked the comment button and when the page re-loaded it is now all fixed and is the 4th again. So strange...

    Okay, so my real comment was going to be that I noticed the penguin and wondered if you were hiding something on the couch! Now I'm guessing you just thought he was cute and needed someplace to sit.

  2. That penguin is letting out with a wolf whistle!

  3. Oh, jelly shoes. I remember those! (Not that I wore them myself, of course.)

    Speaking of penguins, be sure to check out my post today, with the link to the Monty the Penguin commercial. I thought of you when I posted it. I think you'll really like it. :)

  4. well, of course you got whistled at!


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