Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Great Lotion Extravaganza

(I did this back on February 15 during my sort-of-a-blog-break. I'd had these mostly empty bottles of lotion sitting around forever. I finally bought the small shampoo bottle on February 10th, and then THAT sat around for a while. Finally, I put the task on my List of Things to Do and just did it. It took 10 minutes.)

Pump lotion is so convenient. Except when the lotion gets too low for the pump to work. And dang it this stuff is too expensive to just toss! So what do you do?

Firstly, you get some really good kitchen shears & cut the bottle in half.


Then you scoop the lotion into a funnel (note my third hand there - a handy bottle from under the sink).

Mush the lotion down through the funnel into the bottle (I got the little shampoo bottle in the make-up aisle at the grocery store) & there you go!


  1. But if you have to "mush" the lotion in, is it too thick to just pour out? Are you still going to have a bottle full of lotion that you can't get to?


  2. Excellent point Scott! That's why it's important to use a squeezable bottle (although the one I have might crack if I use it too much - that's what I get for getting such a cheap one!).

  3. That's why I stopped buying in pump bottles. Now it's squeeze only or tubes except for soap.

  4. I have been known to keep cutting away at lotion tubes and rubbing the last bit of oiliness out of the ring.
    We are extreme savers ;-)

  5. Good idea! I hate throwing containers out when there is still useable product in it. You should see my fierce determination at the end of the toothpaste tube... :-)

  6. Thrifty, thy name is truly the bug...I'm with the others -- eke out every last drop. I like Eucerin.

  7. Thrifty! I'm glad Lowandslow asked what he did, because I wondered the same thing. :)

  8. you can also buy tubs of lotion without a pump, unscrew the top of your pump one and re-fill via the top - can be a bit hard going, but is do-able

  9. Oh, you have no idea how much it irks me to throw those pump bottles in the trash when I know there's still lotion in them. I've thought about cutting them, but I've never done it. I will give this a try.

  10. Pixel Peeper, we have been known to have a contest as to who will finally give up and break out a new tube of toothpaste. Also, I am a MOST thorough cleaner of peanut butter jars :-)


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