Sunday, April 26, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Seventeen

This week there’s a moon in the sky! And lots of flowers… It looks like spring around here, even though the temps have been very low (in the 30s a couple of nights!).

Sunday, April 19th     
Had a meeting after church today & noticed B’s lovely yarn bowl – hand made by our rector’s husband. He does lovely work!

Dinner – tuna, dill chips, & potato chips on rye bread. Yum!

Dr. M’s first toad sighting of the year!

Monday, April 20th  
Fort Pansy.

Crabapple tree in the neighbor’s yard – so pretty!

My daily walk - lovely evening...

The moon!

Tuesday, April 21st          
Beautiful sky today!

The moon (and friend)…

Wednesday, April 22nd   
I got a haircut today – not very different, but off of my neck, which is very important this time of year! I laughed at my attempts to get a picture of the back – ha!

My daily walk – down to the UPS box. It’s a nice little trek – a little over a mile and a half round trip.

Dr. M drives by some really pretty houses this time of year.

The moon!

Thursday, April 23rd    
I love this picture that Dr. M took – so pretty.

My daily walk – gazelling again. I was laughing at all of my various tennis shoes. And I wear all of them!

The moon!

Friday, April 24th    
Another beautiful photo by Dr. M.

Camouflaged campus deer.

Saturday, April 25th            
It was pouring rain most of the day, so I sat around & did this (well, except when I was putting clothes into the washer and dryer – ha!).

Finished up three of the four squares in this pattern (the first two are pinned to the blocking mats - the third one hasn't been blocked yet).

Bedraggled backyard critters.

After the rain passed by I decided to take a quick walk around the neighborhood.


Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Love all the tulips, and i give you an "A" for effort trying to get that shot of the back of your head.

  2. You just reminded me - I need to call for a long overdue hair appointment this week.

    The flowers are gorgeous! I love rainy Saturdays - a great excuse to lounge around the house and be (somewhat) lazy.

  3. These are some of the prettiest pictures you've posted, that moon looks like a child's paper cutout. Beautiful. And what a nice yarn bowl. No matter what your nighttime temps are, it definitely looks like spring there.

    Your hair is absolutely adorable. Just the way I like it.

  4. Your area has some gorgeous floral displays. Thanks for sharing them. :)

  5. So you've given up on Growing Out after all. I'm surprised. I love that cut on you, so I think it was a good choice. You'll be happy in the summertime.

    Xenia is about 2-3 weeks ahead of NEO as far as leaves and flowers. We had a bit of snow spitting at us here last week--nothing stuck--so it stunted things quite a bit, and it stalled in the forties for a few days. I am quite irritated by Spring dawdling so. (And freezing! Will I EVER be able to stop wearing my winter sweaters?)

  6. I just adore your hair cut!!!
    I need that yarn bowl... that is so beautiful!

  7. The flowers are that yarn bowl. That is awesome. Your hair is cute. Tell Dr. M the moon shots are amazing.

  8. Lovely smile and hair style,
    Cute toad and hidden deer.
    Love the blooms around the tree!

  9. It looks like the weather has GREATLY improved where you are! So glad to see some green and blooming things. (I'm sure you are too!)

    Love the toad. And love the yarn bowl -- what a great idea!

  10. looking good up there. love the moon photos.


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