Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Afghan Update

I am so mentally exhausted right now - too much going on with work and church responsibilities - I'm having to brain a lot. There's only so much brain to start with... Anyway, as promised, here are the four blankets with the squares I've done so far (except for the ones in the last post). One has two colors, one has three colors, and two of them have four colors. There will be 24 squares per blanket once I'm done - sometime next December. It's been a lot of fun so far!


  1. That looks like a lot of work. I can only imagine the commitment it must take to complete one of these blankets.

  2. Is that for all one blanket? Or are these potholders?

  3. Looking good! I love those pink/orange ones.

  4. Love your variations on a theme, especially the colours and pattern on the bottom-most, right hand corner square of the last picture! You tempt me to start another project myself...

  5. very cool. I like the last ones best.

  6. Oh wow... love all the color combos!!!

  7. crochet is so addictive! nice results too!

  8. You are a real artist - these look beautiful! Can't wait to see the final result.

  9. I love your colour combinations...especially the first squares...

  10. the colors. The first squares are my all time favorites. This is a big project and I cannot wait to see the end result. Crochet on my friend.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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