Friday, April 3, 2015

Waste Not Want Not

The other day I was filling the ice trays & got annoyed because two of them are different from the other two, so they won't stack neatly on top of one another. Plus a couple of them are cracked. I had this radical thought: I could toss these four trays and get four new trays that fit together! I know, I sort of lost my head there for a moment. Because usually I'm this person:

This is the cream I use for my rosacea


  1. us too. we squeeze out every little drop and don't discard something unless it is broken and unusable.

  2. How about you donate or recycle those and splurge by going to a Dollar Store for all new ones?

    (Do you dig into the rosacea cream with a Q-tip then, too? I would.)

  3. Given how inexpensive ice cube trays are, I urge you to get four new ones. Far better than the continued frustration of your current ones.

  4. That looks like my current tube of toothpaste.

  5. I do the same thing with artificial sweetener packets.

  6. I am that person as well. It drives Dave crazy.

  7. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." :)

  8. I consider myself quite frugal, too. Usually I replace something only when the annoyance factor of something that is not quite broken exceeds the cheapness factor of my wallet.

    My toothpaste tube looks like that towards the end of its usefulness, too. And I remember your blog post from a while ago, what you did with your various bottles of almost empty hand lotions! ♥


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