Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Wonderful window on your world, Wordless Wednesday. Is that enough W's?

  2. So pretty! That reminds me that flowers are another great gift at Christmas. Beautiful photos.

  3. Beautiful! Did Dr. M get a new lens as an early Christmas present??? A macro lens couldn't do it any better!

    1. I've had this one for awhile...just not my forte, but yeah, I do know how to use it.

  4. Magnificent images. i never fail to be impressed by Nature's diversity.

  5. Ms. Pinky.... is she still outside or did you bring her inside? If she hasn't come inside yet, you will need to post pictures of her sun bathing in December!!!

    1. She's inside! Along with her little sister Rita, the red geranium. <3

    2. It is a bit late for them to still be outside. I remember reading a post not too long ago that you had Ms. Pinky out in the sun. (maybe it was a long time ago. I thought it was before you left for North Carolina at Thanksgiving).

  6. Your geraniums are looking much better than ours at this point. Ours are almost down to sticks, though we have brought them inside. Do you prune yours in winter? We haven't cut ours but I'm thinking they're getting pretty leggy and maybe pruning would be the solution.

  7. Such beauty, even in late fall/early winter!

  8. These are lovely!! Hubby and I were commenting on the flowers we saw around town still blooming.

  9. What splendid colors. I love the way the play of light on them seems to bring some color change, too. You've got so many buds -- there ought to be flowers all the way through Christmas!

  10. So much colour for this time of year. great stuff

  11. Amazing colours and stunning photos. Thanks for sharing.


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