Sunday, October 8, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Forty

This was a week of milestones and more moon & sky. Nice! Plus, a ridiculous number of pictures. 
Sunday, October 1st        
Dr. M had insomnia. His sleep loss, our gain!

My church had a picnic & bluegrass band in the evening – it was fun! Does anyone know why I always put my tongue between my teeth in pictures?

More sky! See the dots in a line in the center bottom of the picture, just to the left of the pine tree? Airplane!

Monday, October 2nd                     
Seen around the yard.

Got into bed & checked my “mileage.” What do you think I did next?

Tuesday, October 3rd                                    
My first cane-free walk!

The sky. Love these pictures.

Wednesday, October 4th                              
Did you know that sheep stare at Dr. M?

Finished a project for someone – a thank you present (subject of a later post). Her school colors!

Thursday, October 5th                          
Shine on, shine on harvest moon (up in the sky)...

Friday, October 6th                
I had another follow-up visit with my surgeon’s office. I heard the words “phenomenal” and “fantastic” regarding my range of motion. Yes, I am pretty pleased with myself.

Later that day I walked over half a mile. The last time I had surgery it took so much longer to get to this point in my recovery. I’m just so very grateful!


Saturday, October 7th                     
As promised, the final result of the purple project. I made it to wear as a belt for another project (below), but it didn’t really work for that. I think it looks pretty good with jeans.

This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever crocheted - a ruana. If it’s ever cold enough for me to wear it, I’ll have Dr. M take a picture so you can see just how weird it is. But it’s very soft & warm, so I might not care. Ha!

I hit another milestone. In January, my Fitbit app changed my daily goal to 7,000 steps because I was struggling so much at the end of last year. So my Fitbit and I were very excited to hit that goal. I’m pretty sure this means that I am no longer the least bit a patient & I need to start doing all those tasks that I had to turn over to Dr. M back in May.

Later today I am prepared to do battle with the dreaded vacuum cleaner. What fun & exciting thing did you do this weekend?


  1. I first saw that purple belt thing and my first thought was, "A thong? DANA?!!" Haha!

  2. Does anyone know why I always put my tongue between my teeth in pictures? <-- It's to keep you from sticking your tongue out at us!

    You know, I'm convinced the sheep and cows in Ohio called up their cousins in North Carolina and told them what to do...

    Along with you and your Fitbit, I'm very happy about your progress. 7,000 steps are a lot of steps for someone who just had major surgery a few weeks ago! LOL at your 4,999 steps when you got into bed. I sometimes sync my Fitbit when I come home in the evening to see how many calories I burned while exercising that day (because then I can eat that many more calories) and when I did that last Monday, my Fitbit app said 9,999 steps. So I took a screenshot and then took one giant step. We are related, I'm convinced!

  3. This is a wonderful post. I'm so glad your recovery went so well and so fast. Good health is a great thing, and, as you know, nothing to take for granted.

    I always love your hair short. It's so perfect for you face.

  4. I love your ruana. I'd wear it like crazy around here. Well, maybe not right now, because NEO is refusing to become autumnal. Hot and humid here, still. I don't get it.

    But a huge HOORAY for your recovery and continued upward trajectory in progress. Time to toss that walker and cane out in the garage/shed, wrangle that vac, and start looking with purpose at that BIKE! So happy for you.

  5. I cant wait to see the Ruana on... looks interesting.
    You always want to hear words like that a doctor's appointment!!!

  6. great pictures. I copied one of the moon shots for future use. and when is Dr. M going to get a picture of a galaxy?

  7. Loved the pictures of the stars. I've looked into doing an astronomy vacation down in southern Chile. Hundreds of miles from city lights the stars shine like they did before electricity. Part of the trip are visits to the giant cutting edge telescopes down there. Needless to say the package deal is quite expensive.

  8. Congratulations on your progress...wonderful!! You certainly have a good viewing perch for of country life!

    1. Not too much light polution here, especially at 4am :D I love our deck.

  9. I loved seeing Casseopeia -- and I think I might have spotted Orion, too. Or not. But who cares, when the whole sky is so beautiful? One of these times I ought to give a moon photo a try, even if I don't try the stars.

    That ruana is great. I have one, and it's perfect for that in-between season down here, when it's just cool enough to need something. It works great in overly air-conditioned restaurants, too.

    Your progress is just wonderful. You deserve every single superlative -- and it's always extra special when they come from your medical staff!

    1. Yes, Orion was in there! Good eye. You can shoot the moon...just pretend you are taking photos on a bright sunny day. The basic starting point is ISO 200, Shutter speed 200, f16 aperture. From there advance the shutter speed. Stars are the opposite: aperture as open as possible (I don't have a lens that will go below 3.5), shutter at 20 seconds (tripod required), ISO anywhere from 800 to 3200.

  10. I LOVE those sky shots. Compliments to "Carolina Linthead". But I also love hearing of your healing progress. Gadfrey, it's leaps and bounds. Congratulations!!!

    1. Thanks on both counts! It is just amazing how well she is doing! SO different from six years ago.

  11. You're so fortunate to have so many beautiful flowers and a stary-ede husband ;-)
    Any craft sales by you for an outlet for all you beautiful creations?
    Love your B/W shots!
    Keep up the phenomenal progress!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

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