Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Advice from The Bug

How to eat more slowly: Accidentally spill a whole gob of peppercorns on your fine meal of turkey spam, green peas, and mac n cheese. Be too trifling to pick them all out & too terrified to eat them. Chew food VERY CAREFULLY, spitting out the peppercorns as if they were watermelon seeds. Repeat as necessary.


  1. LOOOORDDDD - with all my dental issues I've had - I would have thrown out the dinner & not chanced it ;) haha

    1. Ha! I should have thought about all the risk I was taking to my dental work :)

  2. you eat the weirdest stuff in the weirdest combinations.

    1. Totally my father's fault. Two days ago I ate a peanut butter & jelly & turkey & cheese & mayo sandwich. :)

  3. You should tell WW about this trick, because eating slowly will stop you from eating too much!

    1. Ooh - I'll bring this up at our next meeting!

  4. Dave one time made spaghetti sauce with a jar of capers -- except that, as we were eating it, it quickly became apparent that the capers were not capers at all but GREEN PEPPERCORNS! I used the same technique you did, and that was still some seriously peppery sauce.

  5. Yeah, you're not going to make it into Bon Appetit with those recipes.


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