Sunday, November 11, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Forty-five

Well this week just flew by – it’s a good thing I have some pictures or I all I would remember was the blur!
Sunday, November 4th                              
No picture! I guess we had picture overload from the day before. So all I remember from this day is that I went to church (I know this because I was lector) & that I wrote last week’s post.

Monday, November 5th                                        
Some fall color from our neighborhood, courtesy of Dr. M.


Tuesday, November 6th                                             
One of the trees at the post office near work. I love to park under it & spend a few minutes before I go back to work.

We had choir practice at 7:00 & I decided that it didn’t make sense to go home so I stayed at the office for a bit. I walked a few laps in the dark empty factory, which did not creep me out a bit. But then I sat in my office & tried to crochet & that creeped me out, so I just drove to church & crocheted in my car.

Wednesday, November 7th            
Dr. M just needs to quit going to town. Last week it was Christmas decorations when he was looking for Halloween candy & this week it was this sign, at the local hardware store.

Thursday, November 8th               
This chair isn’t finished (obviously), but I thought it looked pretty cool so far.

Friday, November 9th                                    
Had to break out the sheep jammies!

Saturday, November 10th                                           
We brought the girls in for the winter. When I say “we” I mean I dithered around watching Dr. M do it.

I’ve decided that I’m going to try to learn the Christmas cantata while walking on the treadmill. Hopefully I can memorize the thing so I can quit wrestling with the pages. Also, hopefully I can start walking faster as I get more fit – singing & walking is exhausting! I was pretty proud of my 35 minute hike.

So last week I promised leaf pictures on Wednesday & then TOTALLY FORGOT. I’m about to go schedule that post now. Also, Dr. M’s birthday is on Tuesday. What do you think I should give him?


  1. That is an awesome tree at your post office. Dr. M and I must have been siblings in a prior life - I always find myself taking pictures of odd or funny misspellings - ha!

    1. I can't decide if being able to see these errors is a gift or a curse!

  2. What a spectacular tree! I'd spend a lot of time there, too.
    So, so very much about that sign hurt my feelings. I'd be struggling with the conflict of whether to Never Go Back There Again or Go Back There Immediately With A Red Sharpie.

    1. It is a hard sign to see. At first I wondered if it was done on purpose, but I'm afraid not.

      I guess now that it's cold out I won't be spending so much time under the tree. Makes me sad!

  3. I do love the furniture your company makes! and what a magnificent tree! and has the American population always been so...undereducated or do we just notice it now because of you know who.

    1. If you read old letters you see that spelling has apparently always been optional. But it is discouraging!

  4. We haven't brought any of our plants in yet. I think I'm secretly hoping they'll freeze before I get around to it. Isn't that terrible?!

  5. THOSE JAMMIES!!!!! Where did you get those????

    1. Dr. M got them on Amazon - I'll have him see if he can find the link.

  6. We had a similar tree in our yard in WI. The dogs loved it because they could go to the bathroom in the rain and not get wet. Unfortunately, the same did not apply to those who had to pick up after them.

  7. Judging from the misspellings on that sign, maybe Dr. M should begin teaching an ESL class!

  8. That tree is just fabulous. There's something about a big tree that really gets to me. The misspellings reminded me of a sign I pass now and then. I think it's a joke, and has been intentionally. I hope so, because it say, "Hey fur sail."

    1. Me too - I love big ole trees like that. And I love that sign - very clever. Ha!

  9. What kind and how old is that tree? WOW
    Does your business upholster? We had an unfortunate situation with our new sectional purchased after the house fire. It is faux leather that did not last even 5 years. A lady in the next town took a section, but had multiple life situations--death, illness, etc. Three months later we picked up the section and the fabric and are in search of another solution :-( We are learning "patients" ;-)

  10. What kind and how old is that tree? WOW
    Does your business upholster? We had an unfortunate situation with our new sectional purchased after the house fire. It is faux leather that did not last even 5 years. A lady in the next town took a section, but had multiple life situations--death, illness, etc. Three months later we picked up the section and the fabric and are in search of another solution :-( We are learning "patients" ;-)


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