Sunday, November 18, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Forty-six

We are getting ready to enter the holiday zone & let me just go ahead & put this out there: I AM NOT READY.  Whew! I feel better now.
Sunday, November 11th                              

Monday, November 12th                                        
It was a NASTY day – poured rain from dawn till dusk. This is my view on my way to dinner that evening.


Tuesday, November 13th                                             
Dr. M’s birthday! He had a big couple of days – lunch with a friend on Monday, dinner with my family Monday evening, and a nice visit from my nephew and his wife on his actual birthday (they’re moving to South Korea for two years). They brought him a very appropriate gift, but the winner of the whole birthday extravaganza was this card from my brother & sister-in-law. And lo! It came to pass – although this picture of Dr. M snoozing in his chair is being posted on this blog instead of on Facebook. Ha!

Wednesday, November 14th            

Thursday, November 15th               
Dr. M wearing one of his birthday shirts & displaying our new calendar from our favorite Instagram dog, Otis Unleashed. 

Friday, November 16th                                    
It was pretty darned cold in my office when I arrived at 7:30. Fortunately, the day was warmer and sunny, and our heating/air guy came by to sort out what was going on.

Just this one picture of furniture – and it’s only a cushion – not even the whole chair. I love this fabric!

Saturday, November 17th                                           
I heard some banging around in the office & found Dr. Sneaky McSneakerson pulling out the Christmas tree. He said he wanted to make sure the lights work.

He also wanted to assure folks that we do have some fall décor too. Ha!

You guys were no help at all in figuring out what to give Dr. M for his birthday, so he ended up getting what I get him about 80% of the time: shirts. Poor guy. Are you guys ready for Thanksgiving? Contrary to my shouting above, I think we might be (it’s Christmas I’m not ready for). You know you’ll hear all about it next week!


  1. Wow! Maker's Mark for his birthday. a fine Scotch for his anniversary. That man is living right. And I love his blue shirt. Is that one of his new ones?

    1. It is! He looks a little bit like a hippy when he wears it :)

  2. I love that brown, blue, black colorway and the designs are so fancy. HB to Dr. M.

    1. That brown is actually silver gray - it just never photographs correctly. I'm hoping that I can take it to work when the blanket is complete & get it photographed using the more professional lights that we have.

  3. Belated Happy Birthday to The Professor!

  4. Don't worry, Bug. Only people who have no lives are ready for the holidays.

    1. Ha! Well, I know a few who are UBER organized, but maybe that's because they don't have anything else to do...

  5. Birthdays always should be celebrated all week!

    I love photos taken of rainy windshields. Yours has a very Monet-like quality to it.

    I feel somewhat ready for Thanksgiving. I need to pick up Brussels sprouts and asparagus tomorrow, and I just discovered I need more butter. So I need to make a stop after work tomorrow. I'm not worried about Christmas yet - we have MONTHS AND MONTHS to get ready for it. Oh...wait...

    1. Brussels sprouts - yuck! I'll just eat all the asparagus instead...

  6. ...let me just go ahead & put this out there: I AM NOT READY.

    Me either, but I've always been the stick in the mud about the holidays.

    1. I'm not sure why, but this doesn't surprise me at all Bum ;)


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