Sunday, February 10, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Six

Last week I mentioned all my technology woes. They continued into this week. The copier got resolved, but then I found out that the fire system, which uses a phone line for monitoring, was no longer working. Someone came to fix it, but their fix disabled the fax line again. I told someone that I felt like I was playing whack-a-mole (which is a very disturbing game, if you ask me). Now we need a whole new system for the fire monitoring (cellular instead of phone line). I’m pretty sure that all the savings we’re getting with the new phone/internet plan is being eaten up with service calls & new equipment. However, the internet is about 99 times faster, so IT’S ALL WORTH IT. At least that’s the story I’m telling myself.
Sunday, February 3rd                                  
New scarf. One of my goals this year is to make things that can be part of my regular wardrobe.

Monday, February 4th                
The only picture from today – this is our recalcitrant copier which is now behaving.

Tuesday, February 5th                                               
Furniture. I like this set a lot.

Wednesday, February 6th                                              
My (early) Valentine from my Valentine – a necklace to match my current favorite earrings. From our friend’s shop – check it out here! (You really should check out her stuff – she has some fun, funky, lovely things.)


I had to laugh at this one. I posted it on Instagram & Facebook & said “Caption this. #tbt third grade.” I have several things to say about this. First of all, I posted this on Wednesday, not Thursday. Second, I look stoned. Third, please note the notch in my bangs. Yep – I tried to cut them myself. The first of many times – I got better at it.

Thursday, February 7th                                                 
I finished this audio book today. I love this series because it reminds me of my time in Zambia – there is a lot of meandering to get the mystery solved. Also, the narrator is really good.

Friday, February 8th                                                 
More furniture.

Saturday, February 9th
The battery on the Bugly died. Please note the very conveniently placed sway bar right over the battery – Dr. M had to remove the fuse box to get to the screws to remove the bar so he could get the battery out.

While Dr. M was working on the car I decided to do a very primitive repair on his favorite cotton blanket (he likes to turn himself into a Dr. M burrito when he sleeps). I am really not very good at sewing, but I was pleased to at least stop the unraveling (for now). While I had the sewing kit out, I sewed buttons back onto two pairs of pants. I felt quite domestic!

I’m just not even going to have any technology hopes for this week. Que Sera Sera is what I say!


  1. I think EVERY kid has tried to cut his or her own bangs at one time or another.

    Lucky your battery died in a place where Dr. M could change it. The last time it happened to me, I was at Lake Hollingsworth after a walk around the lake. I had to wait for AAA to show up and tell me my 18-month-old battery was deader than a door nail.

    Internet 99% faster? Yes - absolutely worth all the hassle!

  2. My mother used to cut my bangs using a strip of Scotch tape as a guide and I *still* ended up looking like that more often than not!

  3. I only tried to cut my bangs once. I ended up with a curly frizz along my hairline. that first set of furniture is pretty tame comparatively. and I haven't read one of that series in a while. not since I picked up Outlander and am now on book 7 of 8.

  4. OK... youre like me - you look exactly the same since childhood

  5. I like that first set of furniture too even though it looks like it belongs in one of Drumpf's palaces.

  6. I like that Tuesday furniture, too. What is #tbt? I see that around, but don't have a clue since I'm not on social media. I do ok cutting my own hair, but believe me -- if I still had bangs like I did as a kid, it would be the same story. It was the same story! Chickadees are pretty cute, but you were cuter than a chickadee as a kid. You're still pretty cute, actually.

  7. It's so interesting you're reading that Alexander McCall Smith book. I was just weeding our library shelves the other day and we have TONS of books by him, and I was wondering whether anyone reads them anymore. I didn't get rid of any, but I think we may be oversupplied!

    Fast internet is nothing to sneeze at! It's well worth the temporary discomfort!

  8. That scarf is beautiful.
    The third grade photo reminds me of how my grand cut her bangs a few months ago. Well, actually she didn't have bangs, but she ended up with bangs after her mother fixed it.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...