Saturday, August 3, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Thirty-one

Man what a week! The long anticipated surgery is finally behind us, and grueling months of recovery are ahead. Hopefully Dr. M’s screaming nerve pain will subside so he can start working on strengthening his back.
Sunday, July 28th                                            
Before we drove to the hotel, we stopped for lunch with Dr. M’s Pop. This is corn (HEAVENLY), squash, zucchini, and potatoes from my dad’s garden.

Monday, July 29th             
LONG day, which you can read about on my last post. This is Dr. M’s picture from his room that night. We watched the Braves game together for a bit & then I headed to the hotel where I slept like a LOG.

Tuesday, July 30th                                                
Look who was up & about! He was feeling pretty fine since the lidocaine they used during surgery hadn’t worn off yet.

He even had me take him out for Mexican food after we checked out of the hospital. He looks a little stoned – ha! P.S. that was the BEST veggie quesadilla I’ve ever had. YUM.

For this trip I put my mouthwash in the container I usually use for salad dressing. And guess what? Italian flavored mouthwash should never be a thing. Just no. #imprettysureiwashedit

Wednesday, July 31st                                                        
After a pretty rough night, we headed home today. Dr. M tried to get comfortable and I mowed!

My pastor brought us a meal for dinner. Here is what I said on Facebook: If you know me, you know that cooking isn’t my thing. I can clean the house (grudgingly), mow the lawn (willingly), water the plants (capably), and refill the bird feeders (precariously). But it has been a struggle to feed us! I mean, we eat every darn day! Who can come up with that many meals? This long preface is just so you can understand my gratitude when someone else feeds us. Thank you SO MUCH L & P! I’m a little ashamed to take food from folks with four month old twins, but not too ashamed to eat it. You guys rock!

Thursday, August 1st                                                          
I went back to work for a half day today (I had a first of the month task that I wanted to take care of). That evening I got inspired to wind my new hank of yarn – so pretty!

Friday, August 2nd                                                         
Dr. M has really been struggling with a lot of nerve pain. It’s exponentially worse than before surgery (the nerves didn’t appreciated being awakened). He’s been trying all kinds of things to get comfortable. Here he has moved to the futon to get a new perspective, while I worked another half day.

Saturday, August 3rd        
Daddy & Sue brought lunch today. We had a nice time talking with them. Of course I did not take a picture. Here’s what you get instead. I filled both bird feeders today. Our bird feed vessel amuses me.

I’m going back to work full time this week & I’m a little worried about my stubborn hubs – here’s hoping he spends the days chilling – and here’s hoping that his nerve pain abates exponentially. What are you hoping happens this week?


  1. Best wishes on Dr. M's recovery! I did the same thing with mouthwash one time, it was Scope and ranch dressing.

  2. Hope for the upcoming week? Less heat, more rain. Beautiful yarn - what's the new project? Hope Dr. M behaves, has less pain, and generally does well.

  3. shouldn't the surgery have eliminated the nerve pain?

  4. So glad the surgery is over with and of course I hope the pain abates ASAP. You make me laugh with your comments about cooking. I feel exactly the same way! EVERY DARN DAY?! At least I'm just cooking (kind of) for myself -- I don't have a recovering patient to feed!

  5. I am so happy for you guys that the surgery is behind you now. Dr. M needs to be patient (I know, easy for me to say!) and listen to his doctors. The pain will go away, eventually, and then he can work on becoming stronger. And hopefully be without pain.

  6. I'm sorry that The Professor is dealing with pain. Post-surgery time is so fretful.
    Both of you need Patience, and it's just not easy. Take good care.

  7. I like to cook though I'm not very good at it so I'm glad when (after about 2 meals usually) Judy comes back into the kitchen. What can I say?

  8. Hope there is a tremendous turnaround and the pain becomes less and less until it's gone. You are a five-star wife and nurse and that's more important than being a cook.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...