Saturday, June 20, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Twenty-five

I’m sitting here typing this leaned back in my recliner with my eyes closed. That’s how lively things are around here. Just the way I like them – low key and chill. Well, that was nice, but I guess I’ll have to open my eyes to write the rest of the post – it is about pictures, after all. J

Sunday, June 14th                                                            

I took a little walk around the old homestead to see what was what.

This is a total mutual love affair. 

Monday, June 15th                          

I’m not saying the Supreme Court’s decision about discrimination against LGBTQ folks was because I was wearing my pride band, but I’m not saying it wasn’t.

Tuesday, June 16th                                                                

No picture – just this sad screen shot. I’m pretty sure there won’t be baseball this year. I’m trying to not read anything about it because as long as I don’t, then I don’t have to be mad and disgusted at all the parties involved. And anyway, I’m not sure it’s at all safe to play baseball.

Wednesday, June 17th                                                        

The hydrangea at Dr. M’s dad’s house is blooming!

I asked the interwebs if I should add watermelon to my salad (spinach, apples, grapes, feta, almonds). The results were inconclusive, so I added the watermelon anyway. It was good!

Thursday, June 18th       

Ms. Pinky Two-Tone showing off her two tones.

I really should have taken another step just to stave off the apocalypse, but frankly I couldn’t be bothered.

Friday, June 19th                                                                    

My mom’s birthday. Miss you Momcat! It was also Juneteenth, which I have actually known about for years, partly because it’s the same day as my mom’s birthday & partly because I’m married to a historian.

They’ve been feeding us at work on Fridays & this time I got a breakfast sandwich as big as my head. That bread was as big as two slices – HUGE! I ate half & Dr. M had the other half for dinner.

Saturday, June 20th                 

I finally finished this shawl. When I bought the yarn I thought I’d make socks, but it turns out I’m intimidated by socks so I fell back on something I felt more comfortable with. However, I’m not sure the pattern I picked works well with this very busy yarn. We’ll see what I think once it’s dry & I can style it.

We’ll end the post the way we started it – with flowers. We were thrilled to finally see those purple coneflowers – the first ones we’ve seen in the 3 years since we planted the wildflower bed.

I’m not really much of a cusser, but the way things have been going lately my interior monologue has become rather ripe. I sure hope that the rally in Tulsa isn’t as deadly as I’m afraid it will be. Meanwhile, I’m just wearing my mask, trying to elevate black lives, and celebrating with my gay friends & Dreamers. What are you doing?


  1. I love your Pride watchband! And your lunch-in-a-jar is a cool idea.

  2. I'll reserve judgement on your opinion of the salad since you eat the weirdest things together and proclaim it good. and crochet socks? let me know how that works out.

  3. Got to admit, the Supreme Court’s decision was a HAPPY surprise. I just didn't see Judge Roberts siding with the liberals.

  4. You always have such a bounty of colourful flowers surrounding you. (And yarn!)

    I've been surprise by Justice Roberts--in a good way. He seems to have Integrity. I'm not sure if that can be said about the inexperienced cronies that 45* has elevated to the federal judiciary (about 200 of them now) thus far. I have great Hope for November.

    Hope isn't enough, however; I'll be working for that Change.

  5. I'm enjoying your flowers. Thank you both for sharing them with us. They brighten some occasionally dark days.

  6. Lovely walking around your house. I've looked at crocheted sock patterns - and put them right away. Maybe if it was just a (uncomfortable) tube but with heels and such. No, not nearly smart enough!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Three

You know, once snow stops falling it’s kind of annoying. Just FYI. Sunday, January 12th        Out back. One of these birds is not like the ...