Sunday, August 29, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Thirty-five

The world continues to be a hard and heavy place, but we found comfort in some things around us…
Sunday, August 22nd  
Our mum is lovely!

I went to visit Daddy & Sue & had the most fabulous brownie ever. It’s my dad’s invention – take a regular box of brownie mix and fix it according to directions, replacing the water with a jar of maraschino cherries – juice & all. Oh my merciful heavens.

Monday, August 23rd    
There is a lot of brown out there, but Dr. M still found some color in the yard. I love that the Encore Azaleas have a second blooming season (thus the name, duh).

Tuesday, August 24th      
Dr. M’s alma mater journey continues with this Wake Forest University t-shirt. He got his undergrad degree there.

The Roy came by for a treat!

Wednesday, August 25th     
Our coneflowers might look brown and ugly to us, but to the goldfinches they are the finest restaurant in town.

Thursday, August 26th  
Our mandevilla apparently loves this hot weather (especially since Dr. M is the Watering Man).

I updated my Facebook profile pic to the one on the left (taken after my most recent cut & color). Then I posted a photo of how I actually looked that evening – “Woman Whose Hair Has Been in a Topknot for Two Days.”

Friday, August 27th    
I’m still not sure I like this scarf, but I do like how it matches my Amanda Gorman mask and the earrings a friend gave me ages ago (I just spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to figure out when I got the earrings – it was eight years ago almost to the day! Thanks Kim!).

Saturday, August 28th  
Temperature blanket update. I was washing the sheets so decided to put the blanket on the bed to see what it looks like. It’s almost a perfect fit for our double bed. And yes, I did stock up on more Autumn Red yarn, which is a good thing since I had to use it this week (and there was one pumpkin day. It was hot.).

Dr. M has been keeping an eye on Ida as it bears down on New Orleans on the 16th anniversary of Katrina. Although it looks like New Orleans won't take a direct hit, it is still a VERY scary storm.   

I could have just copied & pasted the same closing sentiment as last week, but it’s too depressing. Instead I’ll just say I hope you are all vaccinated, masked in public, and finding joy in the beauty you can see around you.


  1. Today, it's all about Ida in this neighborhood. I've got a half-dozen chaser streams open: Houma, Thibodaux, Mathews, etc. This very minute, the eye of the storm is exactly over the spot where my friend and I had our encounter with the alligator. I suspect the gators are hunkered down!

    1. I'm sure glad you're not there now! I hope Ida doesn't disrupt your area too much.

  2. Ugh, it's been so hot and humid! My ferns and herbs are loving this weather, but not me.

    Your crocheted blanket is quite sizeable. I knit potholders and dishcloths with that method, increasing then decreasing. It always makes me feel good to start that decrease.

    1. I was worried that I started decreasing too soon, but the length is exactly what I wanted. However, I have no confidence whatsoever in my math - will I get down to one pixel on December 31st? November 23rd? February 4th? Only The Shadow knows!

  3. Very hot and humid here - true end of August weather. Your flowers all look very nice. And the temp blanket if coming along beautifully!

    1. Thank you! I am very ready to start complaining about cooler weather!

  4. I'm glad I don't live in Louisiana, especially anywhere near the coast. They get hammered almost every year.

    That brownie looks and sounds lucious, unfortunately they give me indigestion.

    1. Oh that is VERY sad about the brownie. Or good since that means you probably wouldn't overindulge like I do.

  5. My hair is always a birds nest when I take it down from a top knot too. So hard on my hair

  6. I wonder if you could do a double-sized temperature blanket, with two years' worth of temperatures? Then you'd have a couple of alternating red and blue bands. Might be kind of cool, but a big commitment!

    I love your Amanda Gorman mask, and the goldfinches, and Roy! The brownie recipe sounds good too.

    1. Oooo - well that gives me an idea. Maybe do fewer pixels so I wouldn't end up with a ginormous blanket. But what will I DO with all these blankets?

  7. Oh, I love my ear rings from Kim too! It was fun to go back in time to your blog post of eight years ago and remember those good times!

    1. It was a great day! And I enjoyed our second visit too. I do miss living up that way - apparently I'm a midwestern girl at heart. Ha!

  8. Instead I’ll just say I hope you are all vaccinated...

    I got my booster shot two weeks ago. Can't believe the number of adults that are whining like children about the stupidest things.

    1. I know - it's crazy-making. Glad you got your booster!


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