Sunday, August 1, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Thirty-one

This week had food, flowers, crochet – you know, the usual.
Sunday, July 25th
My gourmet lunch – saltine crackers spread with Laughing Cow cheese, topped with carver turkey & a dab of strawberry jam. It was very tasty!

Monday, July 26th  
The Lion in Winter Summer. The King of the weather system. The Jungle Cat that ate Kings Mountain…

Tuesday, July 27th    
Dr. M’s dad's blueberry bush has been VERY prolific this year! That’s like two quarts of blueberries in that container – and there has been at least three times that much harvested so far.

A Yarny Tale of Woe: You already know about my too small shawl. Here is my knitted scarf (yes, I cast on about 500 stitches on too small circular needles – it just looks like it’s a round garment). It was going swimmingly until I got to the dropped stitch row and then something went very awry. Unlike crochet, I’m not very confident about fixing it – even if I frog back to the bad place. And then when I got home from work I saw that one of my gnomes had jumped in the floor & decided that the yarn gods were making some sort of statement – and not a good one!

Wednesday, July 28th    
We had brats for dinner. I put some cucumber tomato salad on mine & it was delicious! Dr. M put sauerkraut on his brat  & had his salad more traditionally on the side.

Thursday, July 29th
New hair! We’re starting to work toward the day when I stop coloring my hair. I’m all for getting off the merry-go-round, but what happens when I get bored with my hair?

Friday, July 30th   
I put all of my other yarn projects in time out & started something new. This will be a purse for my niece. I’m a little nervous about it!

Our four year old mum is starting to bloom!

Saturday, July 31st  
Dr. M found a zinnia farm! So pretty…

Temperature blanket update. It’s been hot!

Saw this critter outside during the blanket photoshoot. I feel like I see them every year & every year I find out what they are & every year I forget.

I’m getting ready to work on my book review post. I only read two books in June so I decided to save them for my July post, but then I read four books in July, and six books seems like a lot to review at one time. What I’m saying is I procrastinated & now it feels like even more work. Welcome to my brain. Also, HOW IS IT AUGUST ALREADY?? Seriously, tell me how in the comments.  


  1. Your gourmet lunch is right up my alley. It looks good. I'd accompany it with some orange juice. As for you hair -- that made me laugh. You get bored with your hair? I can't remember the last time I really pondered my hair, except to be sure it was clean and combed. I don't think I've ever been bored by it. Of course, I'm not often bored, because anything that seems utterly boring gets tossed out of my life. I can't do that with my hair of course, but as I said: I hardly think of that. I figure there are problems, and there are facts of life. Figuring out which is which is the trick!

    1. Ha! I wonder if it comes from working in offices my whole life - I pay attention to my appearance because I'm competing with my office mates. Also, I hate shopping, which would be another way to switch things up. With my hair I just have to sit in a chair for a while while someone else fixes it.

  2. The last picture is probably the empty shell of a cicada nymph. I need to remember my camera tomorrow and get more zinnia pics! I miss the flowers across the road from there, but at least we have these beauties.

  3. I haven't dyed my hair now since before lockdowns etc. I even kind of like it now.

  4. Looking good with your new hair-do. If you get bored - try a few lavender highlights! Fresh blueberries - I am so jealous!

    1. I'll have to wait until there's more gray - my brunette hair doesn't really show color like I want it to. Very annoying!

  5. I wish I liked blueberries. You may have my share.

    Cucumber and tomato salad is wonderful. Add some avocado, and you will be in heaven. I make that a lot, using rice wine vinegar and light olive oil for the vinaigrette. So good!

    Zinnias are such an old-fashioned flower and one I love. They always look so bright and summery.

    1. Ooo - we will DEFINITELY have to try adding some avocado!

  6. I cannot answer your question about August. I'm wondering the same thing. That insect husk is from a cicada, isn't it? The zinnias are beautiful. My zinnias are taking FOREVER to mature and bloom, I think because it's been so cool here.

    1. Yes - Mike says cicada too. I don't know why I can't remember that.

  7. Your gourmet lunch sounds and looks delicious! I don't think I can say the same for the salad on the brat. But then you're in that part of the country where people put coleslaw on their barbecue sandwiches, aren't you? I too think that's a cicada carcass. And as for what to do with your hair when you get bored, that's simple. Do what everyone else is doing, young and old alike. A flashy streak of PURPLE!

    1. Yep - coleslaw on BBQ sandwiches for sure. My mom put coleslaw on everything - even pizza. Ha!

  8. that cracker cheese turkey jam thing does actually sound good...for a change. and that critter thing is the shell left behind by an emerging cicada. but maybe someone already told you that since I didn't read any of the other comments.

    1. oh, and the book reviews. I write my review/synopsis as soon as I finish the book.

  9. I'm still learning to fix dropped/messed up stitches. Maybe you should stick to crochet, ha!
    The temperature blanket shows we are past the midpoint of the year, but how it happened is a mystery ;-)
    The critter, some sort of beetle?

    1. I am DEFINITELY thinking about sticking to crochet!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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