Sunday, September 12, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Thirty-seven

Remember how last week I said the week before was crazy? This week said “hold my beer!” I guess it’s good that my job isn’t boring.
Sunday, September 5th   
It was a lovely day so we did some deck sittin’. The neighborhood cat, Callie, likes to hang out on our deck – she gives us the evil eye when we go out there.

Monday, September 6th     
I finished this groovy bag for my niece. I made a matching (rather lumpy) coin purse for her.

Tuesday, September 7th        
Lunch! My text to Dr. M: Mount Chicken & Potato Hill are surrounded by Bean Lake!

Wednesday, September 8th    
I finally picked which of Dr. M’s paintings to take to work. It’s Marblehead Lighthouse up at Lake Erie – a place we used to love to visit. Makes me smile to have a bit of Ohio in my NC office.

Thursday, September 9th    
One of my dad’s friends gave him some jigsaw puzzles for an early birthday gift. I stopped by & we got the edges done.

Friday, September 10th    
I finally frogged this monstrosity and started a whole new version of that shawl I was working on a couple of months ago.

Saturday, September 11th  
Progress on the updated version. I got new black(ish) yarn that is the correct weight & I think this one will end up being the right size. We shall see. I’ve said before that this is my last attempt at this, and this is attempt #4 (I think?). So never say never? But also, never.

Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and I tried to stay off of social media because I’m uncomfortable with so many of the types of remembrances we have – and heaven forbid I be uncomfortable on the anniversary of a national tragedy. Maybe it’s the juxtaposition of this tragedy with the current one that has (inexplicably) torn the country apart instead of bringing it together. So I crocheted, and finished an Armand Gamache book, and changed the sheets on the bed (and dropped off a birthday gift for my cousin K – Happy Birthday K!). How did you spend the day? 


  1. Around here, it's all about prep for tropical storm Nicholas. Maybe it will become a hurricane, but my guess is it won't. Still, everyone was bonding over at the grocery store. I made sure I have plenty of the essentials: water, bottled Starbucks, and shelf-stable milk. No Oreos or ice cream this time. I know what a hurricane can do to me!

    1. Oh man - you are VERY STRONG to not get Oreos or ice cream! I'm proud of you! And I hope Nicholas behaves himself!

  2. Cute coin purse. I haven't had one of those in ages.

    I'm about ready to cast on a shawl, I think. I have only one, and I have so much yarn that it's embarrassing.

    Do you have treats for the visiting cat? It's a surefire way to make friends.

    1. I too have Way Too Much Yarn. And yet I BUY yarn for new projects instead of figuring out what to do with the yarn I have. It's out of control.

      No treats for the cat, but we do have treats for The Roy. I don't know if I want to encourage her to get friendly with me - I'm imagining cat hair on my yarn (and you should see me scrambling to put it all away when Roy comes bounding up - ha!).

    2. I should get the cat some treats. She seems to stay down here more and more as she ages. In her younger days, she was a threat to the birds and such, now, not so much. Also, it never hurts to have cat scent around the house...keeps the mice from getting curious.

  3. I'm needing to stay off social media more than just 9/11 anymore - what a time in our world.
    THAT COIN PURSE!!! How cool is that! I love the hardware you used for it

    1. Thank you! I've had the hardware forever - I bought a three pack when I was making a coin purse for myself (that I never use & now I'm not even sure where it is).

  4. I think 9/11 will always be an uncomfortable time for many of us. LOVE the painting! Dr M has skillz!

    1. Thank you! And yes...such a complex and emotional time.

  5. yeah, I just scrolled on by all the 9/11 nonsense.

    1. It's just hard because it feels like we're watching myths being created, and not seeing what REALLY happened.

  6. Dr. M's painting reminds me of Americana puzzles. I like it.
    Sorry for the frogging, but I do like the pic of the frogged yarn.

    1. Thank you! My art has always been inspired by Americana, particularly Charles Wysocki.

  7. I'm still on social media but I ignored all the 9/11 memories. I will say this, way back in 2001 a person I once knew but didn't really like said the internet was the spawn of the devil.

    Now, I can't honestly say the man is wrong.

    1. Yeah - I'm still on social media, but I took the weekend off from looking at anything. It probably would be best if I'd just delete the apps!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...