Sunday, March 13, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Ten

Ukraine has been breaking my heart. Our landlady’s parents and sister are there. Her parents are in Mariupol. She has heard from (or about) all of them and they are still there and alive. But it’s so scary. So although this looks like an ordinary week in the life, there’s an undercurrent of rage and sadness. (Note: I just read a post on FB where she was able to talk to her sister – they were able to evacuate – yay!)
Sunday, March 6th      
I took this series of photos to show that I don’t always make my food weird. (Although maybe some people would think the taco sauce is weird?)

Dr. M’s brother died three years ago today. It is still really hard. But the daffies are pretty.

I went to my dad’s house. We finished the round puzzle (note our method of moving pieces around). I also took a photo of the last puzzle we worked. These have been a lot of fun!

Even though I had birthday eclairs and birthday Phish Food, I decided that I needed actual birthday cake. As you can see, I couldn’t even wait to take a photo before digging in. It was good!

Monday, March 7th  
Oooo – a yarn delivery! I didn’t break my vow of not ordering more yarn – this is a commission piece! I started working on it on Saturday, but I’ll wait to take a picture.

Tuesday, March 8th   
Rainy dreary day, but Dr. M found some things to make him smile… (Note: I keep threatening to make Heather D. Sheep a coat, but I never have gotten around to it.)

Wednesday, March 9th       
I told Dr. M that I think there is actual hay in this yarn & that that might be why I think I’m allergic to it. He said that one might even say that I have hay fever. Which made me cackle.

Thursday, March 10th    
This is what love looks like. I (who as you know doesn’t really cook) volunteer to take food to a family. Dr. M spends the afternoon making pot roast. Bonus: he made enough for us to have for dinner. It was GOOD. (P.S. thanks to Nance for help with the parenthetical because I was wanting to pair “I” and “don’t” completely forgetting about “who.”)

Friday, March 11th     
Went to visit Daddy & Sue and apparently had a guard cat on my car when I left. It’s the neighbor’s cat, but it likes their house.

Saturday, March 12th       
I spent a lot of the day crocheting again & finished another square. I have these panels from a wall hanging project that I never completed & I was thinking of incorporating them into the blanket. We’ll see – I need to get some more squares made before I can really see what it would look like.

I am so behind on reading things – books, blogs, email newsletters, Instagram posts… I’m feeling overwhelmed by it all which means that I will probably crochet all afternoon because when the going gets tough the Bug retreats into handicrafts. How about you? Do you Just Do It, or are you like me?


  1. I know what you mean about feeling overwhelmed! There's a lot to keep track of...or not.

    I'm glad your landlady's family was able to evacuate. I can't imagine what it would be like to have family there.

  2. The omelet does look good, even with the taco sauce.

    Me, I have busy days when I just don't have time for all that stuff. I used to try and go back and catch up but now I just go forward.

    1. Yeah - sometimes I just have to hit reset & go from there. Or skim to see if there's anything I need to know.

  3. Thank goodness for your landlady's family. News out of that city is terrible right now since they've taken the rightful mayor hostage and installed a Russian official.

    That pot roast and veg looks terrific. The veg especially look wonderful to me. I'm eating less and less meat these days; I've kind of lost my taste for it.

    Being overwhelmed is no joke. I hate that feeling. Sometimes I can just get myself going and do a lot of small things to build momentum. Other times I watch the day slip away and feel even worse. I sympathize.

    1. Her parents are still there. It's such a scary situation - at this point she has no idea if they're still alive.

  4. The spatula idea - LOL - I love it!
    I'm needing you to make me an omelet now - that looks AMAZING

    1. I might have to have this same omelet for dinner tonight :)

  5. omelet meal looks amazing! Will put it on my list to try.
    All flowers so beautiful. I'm about to go out and see if any are poking their heads out of the ground yet.
    Hope your birthday was all you desired and more!

  6. That omelet looks fantastic. Try a spinach omelet with feta cheese -- even better. I'd use a salsa of some sort instead of taco sauce, but I'm on board with any addition like that. The pot roast looks fabulous, although we're almost past pot roast season here. We're just lucky to have food, period: not to mention electricity, a bedroom instead of a subway, etc. etc. It's the Ides of March. Maybe someone will show up to take care of our most recent Ceasar.

    1. Oh yes - I do love feta in an omelet! I need to add some to our grocery list. Also, your mouth to God's ears on that last statement.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...