Sunday, March 23, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Twelve

To continue the nail theme, I switched out my nail polish yesterday & I hate it. It's a color I usually use on my toes, but it does my hands no favors. But am I keeping it on for the week? Yes, yes I am. I'll just try to not look at my hands. That'll work, right? 

Sunday, March 16th     

The ancestral phlox! On Saturday you’ll see our patch that came from a clump that Dr. M brought from his dad’s house.

Monday, March 17th

I borrowed a green dress from Sue to wear for St. Patrick’s Day. It was sleeveless so I went with a white sweater and decided I looked like a sister wife.

Meanwhile, Dr. M & Martha Goose were having a guinness. 

Finally, here’s my 2025 March Madness bracket. Please note that three of my final four teams are already toast. Woot?

Tuesday, March 18th

Dr. M started springifying the back yard - new bird bath, new hanging basket, and the ceremonial hanging of the penguin wind chime. 

Wednesday, March 19th 

Honestly, I’m the worst. 

Here is Dr. M being OBX Gandalf. Ha!

Thursday, March 20th  

My aunt Viv had asked me for my mom’s jello salad recipe (I fortunately had posted it on my blog, so it was easy to get it to her). I asked her to save me some & she did! A taste of my childhood…

Friday, March 21st      

My mom died 20 years ago today. I don’t think I’ve ever posted the puzzle box where I keep some of her ashes. 

It was also World Down Syndrome Day so I wore my crazy socks in honor of Elliott. 

Saturday, March 22nd   

Our glorious patch of phlox. Makes me VERY HAPPY. 

I changed my FB cover photo to one of the songs we’ve been singing at church. And that’s all I have to say about that. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Eleven

So tonight I painted my nails in a vain attempt to stave off their deterioration. I promise I don’t think about them all the time - I just happened to have two moments of angst on the same day that I wrote a post. Let’s see if next week we can find something different to obsess over to keep our minds off of All The Things. 

Sunday, March 9th     

Met my friend Jenny after church for the last of my birthday hoopla. Since our outfits coordinated I had to have a photo. Then I headed home to check out my other birthday gift from Dr. M. I’m very excited to use it out on the deck this year!

Monday, March 10th

No photo.

Tuesday, March 11th

Dr. M did some very productive deck sitting. 

Wednesday, March 12th 

From the socials: My first bout of deck crocheting of the year feels like the perfect time to tell you about my latest weird dream. Be warned! You might think it’s gross 🤷🏻‍♀️. In my dream I was washing my face, looking for leaks (my iron is low & we don’t know why - I guess I thought I would be able to see the bleeding?). Anyway, I noticed a boil on my neck with a pointy thing sticking out. I pulled on the pointy thing & something popped out. It was a hummingbird! It kept trying to get back into my neck & I figured out it must have had a nest in there with eggs in it. Then I woke up. What in the world.

Thursday, March 13th  

No photo.

Friday, March 14th      

First of all, I wore baggy jeans and a shawl situation to work. 

Then I went by Dad & Sue’s and got a chance to check out the beaver situation on the creek out back. They’ve been working very hard, but it’s hard to get a photo of the dam.

And then I came home and ate the delicious salmon dinner that Dr. M made for me.


Saturday, March 15th   

The way my hair fell out of its clip makes me think I should be doing embroidery or playing whist instead of cleaning the bathroom 😂

I have some big feelings about all the things happening in the world, but in true Enneagram 9 fashion I’m just stuffing them down by reading, crocheting, and playing games on my iPad. What are you doing for your mental health?

Saturday, March 8, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they do such a great job of making it through the winter, and then say “nah dawg - we’re done,” when spring is in sight. Rude. 

Sunday, March 2nd      

Spring training baseball! I look a little maniacal here. Ha! 

Monday, March 3rd

My birthday! I had pound cake and banana pudding at work, and Dr. M picked some daffodils for me. And he got me a new vacuum cleaner! I actually asked for it - I was about to throw our other one off the porch. He also got me something else, but you have to wait until next week to see it (it just came today). I also went out shopping with my bestie - it’s been a long time since I had someone in the dressing room with me helping me decide what to buy. 

Tuesday, March 4th

I posted a before and after shot - last year’s birthday & this year’s birthday. Even though I know in my head that I’ve lost 63 pounds, I hadn’t really realized what a big difference there was!

Wednesday, March 5th 

Ash Wednesday. 

Thursday, March 6th  

I took today & Friday off from work, and spent some time running errands (dr. appointment, oil change, groceries). Meanwhile, Dr. M spent some time with the cat whisperer.

Friday, March 7th      

We had my family birthday party today. It was great spending time with dad & Sue, my brother & his wife. But we all know who the stars of the show were. 

Saturday, March 8th   

Dr. M came home from checking on his Pop and did some very productive deck sitting!

The time changes tomorrow and while I’m happy about it (team DST forever), I am NOT happy about how long it will take my body to get used to it. How do you feel about DST?

Sunday, March 2, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say? 

Sunday, February 23rd      

We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go to Walgreens to look for I don’t even remember what and rounded the corner and saw this. I couldn’t decide whether or not I was offended. 

New banner at church. All of this. 

Monday, February 24th

No photo.

Tuesday, February 25th

Dr. M took a lot of photos of birds this week, but I’m only posting a handful. Here’s a female red bellied woodpecker. 

Wednesday, February 26th 

And here is a red shouldered hawk (probably). He had other photos of the whole thing, but this was my favorite. 

Thursday, February 27th  

Dr. M got me an early birthday present!

Friday, February 28th      

It’s the 8th anniversary of our move down here from Ohio. Dr. M says: Despite the personal and professional loss experienced on Bastille Day, 2016 (this was the day Dr. M found out he was being laid off), and the still real physical and emotional trauma of our final move back home eight years ago on Feb. 28-Mar. 1, we have experienced healing, physically and emotionally, here on Stony Brook. It has been an excellent location for Dana's hip situation, my back situation, and for reconnecting to close family and old friends. Indeed, like our daffies, hope seems to spring eternal in this land of red clay, even in the face of tragedy and loss. I take comfort on this day in the simple joy of daffodils, songbirds, silly mourning doves, and blue skies.

Saturday, March 1st   

I was so proud of myself! We had a piece of leftover grilled chicken that I was planning to use to make chicken salad. I don’t really like chunky chicken salad and a) remembered that we have a food processor; b) found the food processor & cleaned it off; c) USED IT; and, d) cleaned it up afterward. The sandwich was delicious.  

I was washing dishes and heard the sound of something falling in the floor. Oops!

My birthday is tomorrow, and Lent starts on Wednesday (usually my birthday is DURING Lent, which seems a little rude). I was thinking that I would give up fascism for Lent. Who’s with me?

Sunday, February 23, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Eight

Dear America, you are whack  in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I’m going to change this for Lent, which starts March 5th.)

Sunday, February 16th      

Craig & I were matchy matchy so I had to get a photo (he always wears the best clothes). 

Monday, February 17th

No photo.

Tuesday, February 18th

No photo.

Wednesday, February 19th 

We got the cutest little snow!

Thursday, February 20th  

Another fine soup by Dr. M!

The last game of the Four Nations Hockey Tournament was so exciting! (For real though, it was really exciting - it was just past my bedtime.)

Friday, February 21st      

I had to pin my shirt together & just grabbed this one, but I’m not sure how I feel about the one penguin taking a peek down my shirt!

Saturday, February 22nd     

I went through HALF my closet yesterday (it’s ridiculous because I never get rid of anything). I took pictures of the things I wasn’t sure about & sent them to my squad to get their yay and nay. (Ignore the jeans in most of the photos - they’re new & just what I grabbed to put on.)

I still have the other half of my closet to go through - maybe next week. I wonder when we’ll have time to clean out our national closet?

Sunday, February 16, 2025

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems quite apt. We’ll see.)

Sunday, February 9th      

I wasn’t planning on sharing all these squares with you guys until the blanket is done, but this is the only photo from the day, so here you go.

Monday, February 10th

No photo.

Tuesday, February 11th

We’ve taken to making EXTRA CHEESY omelets around these parts. 

Wednesday, February 12th 

Dr. M got me the usual Valentine Tulips given the usual couple of days early. Sweet!

Thursday, February 13th  

Dr. M worked VERY HARD to make this excellent meal for me! I’ve felt so much better ever since he’s been ramping up the protein in our meals. 

There’s a moon in the sky!

Friday, February 14th      

Spent some quality time with my dad, Sue, brother, & sister-in-law (and the puzzle) on my way home from work on Friday. And there was a bonus driveby by my aunt Vivian! 

Saturday, February 15th      

My college friend Jenny threw herself a 60th birthday party and it was fabulous! 

I wore a 38 year old acid washed denim skirt to the party because I was feeling rebellious, only to be told that acid wash is back in style. Who knew? I guess we all do now. Assuming the 20-somethings who told me that weren’t just humoring the old lady. Anyway, I’m planning to wear it to work sometime. Stay tuned for reactions and commentary. These are the things I’m doing to try to not panic. What are you doing?

2025 Project 365 – Week Twelve

To continue the nail theme, I switched out my nail polish yesterday & I hate it. It's a color I usually use on my toes, but it does ...