Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Ants Go Marching, One By One...

We have been invaded by ants. Currently they're just in the bathroom. Dr. M says "squish 'em!" That way the scouts won't report back about this vast white playground called our tub, and the rest of the colony will think they died of smallpox & won't invade us. Wait, that didn't really work in history, did it? We came on over here anyway...

Dr. M's second interview has been moved to the 14th - they don't have class on the 9th (oops!). He says they need an admin to keep them straight. I think I'm the person for the job! Now I just have to convince them that there is a job. And that they need to pay me mucho bucks. Ha!

I am actually going for a walk this afternoon! It wasn't my idea, I was asked, but surely even moving my body reluctantly helps my heart... And really, it's GORGEOUS here today - there won't be any reluctance once I step outside the door. Off I go - into the wild blue parking lot! Not a ton of nature to be had at my office...

Update: Apparently I misheard Dr. M, & my grasp of history is so poor that I thought I was making sense. Sorry! There is smallpox involved, but it's instead of squishing.

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