Monday, April 13, 2009

Ten Things

I’m copying Argent & giving you 10 useless pieces of information about myself. Cause I still have an Easter hangover (not that kind of hangover! The kind where you stay up way too late & then don’t get back on track right away) and I can’t think of anything else to write.

  1. I lived in Zambia for a year and a half. I worked in the Baptist mission as a secretary/bookkeeper.

  2. I have an accounting degree.

  3. I have never worked as an accountant.

  4. I’m married to a historian.

  5. I never really liked history in school.

  6. I have arthritis in my left hip (really – there’s an x-ray to prove it!)

  7. I’ve been married for 18 years.

  8. I have practically every book Nora Roberts has ever written.

  9. Even after 4 years I still miss my Mom practically every day.

  10. My husband is my best friend (in all the world!).

Unlike Argent I have no witty commentary to accompany this list. My brain is a chocolate crème Cadbury egg – little bit gooey right this moment!

P.S. Dr. M. has his second interview tomorrow! We are nervous wrecks! His classroom presentation is about prohibition. Did you know that not drinking was considered your patriotic duty during World War I?


  1. Well, I enjoyed getting to know you a little better. I like these shorter lists better than the longer ones. Glad you're in for the 2nd phase of 30 x 5.

  2. I agree with 2nd Cup of Coffee - it's fun to see a little more of the person behind the blog. Hope all goes well for Dr M.


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