Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cake Walk

We lived in the mountains. And they sure were beautiful – but for reasons unknown to me I wasn’t able to make walking a habit there. Too much up & too much down. No sidewalks. I just knew that if I lived by a sidewalk I would practically be an athlete!

Then we lived in a city. The terrain was pretty flat. There was a sidewalk just outside my door – at the bottom of two flights of stairs. Getting to the sidewalk wasn’t a problem, and walking wasn’t a problem (except for the cars whizzing past & ruining my reverie). Getting back up to the 3rd floor was the problem – dragging myself up & thinking that this IS NOT fun! Forget being an athlete – I’ll be a master Spider Solitaire player!

Now I live in a small town. In a neighborhood built in the 1950s. In a box made of ticky tacky. And my sidewalk is just THERE. And when I get back from my walk I sidle in the front door like it was a piece of cake. And it WAS a piece of cake. I’ll be an athlete yet!

But only if there’s cake.


  1. Ha,ha! I am hearing you Sister! I happen to live near a mountain though, lots of upping and downing for me. :( xx♥

  2. Hi Bug, It seems as if you are enjoying your new life in your new house. I am happy for you. I agree with you about walking. It is a lovely time to have your thoughts only to yourself and to have time to sort them out. I do not do nearly enough of walking myself nowadays, so next time you're out walking, think of me and enjoy it twice as much for both of us.

  3. We don't live on a mountain, we don't have stairs to climb, but we also have no sidewalks on our suburban street.

    Maybe that's why I'm not an Olympic athlete?

    Ya right.

  4. There are some lovely walks around the grounds of Mellerstain House. A stroll down to the lake (or pond, as our American visitors insist) is nice and relaxing. Easy. It's strenuous coming back though. (For me, anyway!)

    I doubt if I could live in a town or city any more. After some 23 different locations in the UK I have at last found Shangri La, sort of. Over 15 years since we moved here. That's a record - for us.

    If the Olympics had a "leisurely strolling" event I would consider entering. I've got about 2 years to train for it! :-)


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