Sunday, June 14, 2009

Okay okay...

After a few requests for hair pics, here they are. I took them myself in the bathroom, so they're not great - & in fact I just couldn't get a good one of the back of my head - my arms aren't long enough! I'm wearing an ancient shirt of Dr. M's - one of my very favorite Saturday (er, Sunday - make that weekend!) shirts. I've included one picture of me with more radical hair - circa 1988. I was just back from the wilds of Africa & was having an article published about my exploits so I needed a picture. Makes me cringe, a little, just now.

P.S. I'm discovering that I really don't know what I'm doing regarding formatting my posts - so the pictures are in one of the three positions that are the default.


  1. Nice pics! I had matching hair and outfit circa 1988. Hee,hee.xx♥

  2. I noticed the smile first. What a lovely smile you have and the hair looks good also. The big brown eyes ain't bad either. Yes, the Eighties and the big hair look. As they say: "The good old, bad old day" but wasn't it fun! Thanks for the pics, now I have a face to match to the stories.

  3. The curly style (first picture)is definitely the one that becomes you most. But if you decide you want the straight hair , try leaving out the ears.

  4. Definitely the first pic for me. Suits you very nicely.

  5. That's funny - of course the curly one looks better - I'm 20 years younger! I liked it too, really, but who can afford a perm these days?

    DUTA - my hair actually ends up behind my ears quite often...

  6. Beautiful, sleek and elegant! LOVE it!!

    We all looked so weird in the 80's. I think you're much more gorgeous now.

  7. GORGEOUS hair, so smooth and shiny! Gorgeous YOU too!

  8. Dana Bug, I LOVE the new do! I wish I were brave enough to cut mine off- I'm always scared it will make my already-round face look even worse! However, it sure would be nice to not have my long blonde hair on my neck this summer. It's supposed to be 103* here tomorrow in south Georgia! I don't even think going bald would help me stay cool in that kind of weather! Hope your moving is going well- what a cute house!
    Susan Keigans


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