Tuesday, July 21, 2009

20 Years

20 years ago today I was minding my own business, planning to spend the evening with my friends Lee & M. Lee & I decided to go wild & crazy – so we rented “Nine ½ Weeks” with Kim Basinger & Mickey Rourke. That was the extent of our crazy – there wasn’t even any alcohol involved that I recall, but then we were house-sitting our seminary professor’s home. Boy that was a steamy movie!


Lee left to “do laundry” back at the dorm (that was code for “call an ex-boyfriend she had no business talking to”), so M & I started cleaning up the kitchen. That’s when it happened.

The kiss.

I don’t know how or why, but that night M & I crossed the line of friendship into the something more. It was a pretty dramatic shift for us, which is why we remember the date so well.

Seems like yesterday.
Seems like always.

Love you, dear heart.


  1. Tantalizing post luvverly Bug. I too have a similarly romantic event burned into my memory. It was when my first serious girlfriend and I were in the Classic Cinema in South Croydon.

    These thrilling and beautiful memories never leave one.

  2. Well, that "steamy movie" did have a say in all this, after all.

  3. Love this post. And thankfully Lee had dirty laundry to do, yes? LOL.

  4. I remember watching "Nine and 1/2 Weeks"

    I think I need to go have a cold shower, just remembering it!

  5. This is wonderful..what a magical thing to remember- lovely. An unexpected kiss is the best kind.

  6. Do you watch it on your anniversary? :)

  7. You know, we haven't watched the movie since. I wonder if it would lose some of it's magic?


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