Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Random Dozen Meme - The A Day Early Thanksgiving Edition

If it's Wednesday Tuesday of a holiday week, it must be time for the Random Dozen Meme from "Lidna" at 2nd Cup of Coffee. If you want to participate just go to Linda's site to link up.

1. Are you sticking to traditional Thanksgiving foods this year, or are you being culinarily adventurous? We’re going to my Dad’s for thanksgiving & I’m pretty sure it will be traditional. I’m not making a thing. Well, I might make my chocolate chip pumpkin muffins – but we sure won’t need them. My dad’s wife Amy always has enough food for an army - & she’s not the only one cooking. We’re getting the forklift ready to load me into the car when it’s time to come home.

2. Tell me something concrete that you're thankful for. (Something you can literally touch, see, etc., not a concept like "hope.") I’m thankful for Dr. M’s job & our new life in our new town. We’ve waited a lot of years to get to this point – I’m so glad we’re not disappointed in the results!

3. You knew the flip side was coming: Share about something intangible that you're thankful for. I’m thankful for the resilience of the human spirit. We always yearn and that alone can pull us up from the depths.

4. Share one vivid Thanksgiving memory. It doesn't have to be deep or meaningful, just something that remains etched in your memory. Until recent years, Dr. M &I spent many Thanksgivings with just each other. I remember the year we decided to have a traditional meal that we gave each other. Well, we didn’t cook a whole turkey, but we fixed the things we wanted. I enjoyed how the day felt special with just the two of us.

5. What is one thing that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt is going to happen this Thanksgiving because it always does, year after year? I will try valiantly to not overeat & I will fail miserably. Daddy – you do have plenty of Tums on hand don’t you? Also, my sister-in-law B will try to get me to go shopping with her the day after. I say “a pox on thee!” Not gonna happen. No way. No how. Maybe.

6. Do your pets get any left-overs? Yep – Daddy’s two outside dogs will have quite a feast!

7. Does your family pray before the big meal? If so, do you join hands while seated, stand, repeat a formal prayer or offer a spontaneous prayer? Who does the praying? Yes, we always pray. We’ll all stand around trying to decide & then make Vivian pray. Or maybe Ken. We’ll see.

8. Will you be watching football in the afternoon? If not, what will you be doing? We’ll probably be eating while the football is on. And we might have the TV on in the background. Go Raiders! Let’s win two in a row! Wow, that would make the season 4 & 7!

9. There are two distinct camps of people on this issue: How do you feel about oysters in the dressing/stuffing? I don’t like stuffing (after years of trying to figure out how I couldn’t like a dish made of bread I finally realized that I don’t like sage) and I don’t like oysters, so I’m going with no!

10. Do you consider yourself informed about the first Thanksgiving? Yes I do – just got a refresher from some blog recently… hmmm… who was it? Oh yeah – Brenda at Days of my Life!

11. Which variety of pie will you be enjoying? All of them! But especially pecan (the ooey gooey Karo Syrup kind!). And if there isn’t pecan pie I will cry.

12. Do you feel for the turkey?? (This is a humorous throw back question related to the 12th question in another Random Dozen!) Nope! I’m not a huge turkey eater anyway – I might go with the ham this year. Or, you know, I might eat both. Who am I kidding? It’ll be both. Boy, I already feel REALLY full!

Looking back on these answers I think I need to do an intervention with myself regarding the holiday. Here are some rules guidelines:

• I’m going to be there until Sunday. There is no need to eat EVERYTHING in one sitting. Pace myself.

• Focus on spending time with family instead of on the food (this will be HARD).

• We focus a lot on giving thanks to God, & that’s GOOD, but I want to remember to personally thank the people too.


  1. Have a good day. My family is scattered about this year so it will be just us and our son and DIL.

  2. LOVED your "maybe" at the end of #5!

    And YES for pecan pie!!

  3. Oh these were good! And I was flattered to be mentioned in this one. I could have gone on and on when I did the post about the 1st Thanksgiving, but I didn't want to sound like a text book. Believe or not I was not there to give an eyewitness account.
    I am very much like your step Mom....I cook loads of fattening food. I will have to make the pecan pie for Christmas though.
    You are brave to go shopping on Friday. I can't do crowds. Happy Thanksgiving Dana!

  4. You and my Big Man and your pecan pie! It isn't really Thanksgiving or Christmas without it. I remember the first time he saw my grown daughter picking the pecans off the top of the pie because she doesn't like them. He thought that was sacrilege and it was all he could do to control his outrage in front of my mother. LOL

  5. I used to love the ooey-gooey pecan pie too, but with a nut-allergic child, we don't do them anymore.

    Now if someone would just invite ME over, I'd eat it at their house! And leave the kid home. Ha Ha

  6. Just a thought, had you considered the possibility of not adding sage to the stuffing? Rachael Ray has a tempting recipe of apple and onion stuffin' muffins (no sage in it!) that might be a way to ease in. Just think of it as bread with bling. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/rachael-ray/apple-and-onion-stuffin-muffins-recipe/index.html

    And I plan on stealing this meme tomorrow. Enjoy your holiday, family and all (since I know it's all about the food!).

  7. Wow sounds like you will have an amazing time. I hope that you enjoy yourself, but don't walk away feeling TOO guilty. Maybe as punishment if you eat too much you HAVE to go shopping...ha ha!! That might actually work for me!!

    Have a great day!!


  8. I want to go to Amy's house, too...
    enjoy your Holiday with family :D

  9. Funny intervention at the end there! :) I was cracking up about the maybe on #5 also!

  10. Your rules at the end crack me up. "Pace" yourself -- WHY?! Haven't you heard? Thanksgiving comes only once a year! lol

    If your daddy has any pecans left, I'd LOVE some! I'll e-mail you my address just in case :-) PECAN PIE LOVERS, UNITE!

    (It really is surprising how many of us there are, so far it is by far the favorite.)

    Look at shopping on Black Friday as exercise to offset the way you "paced" yourself on Thursday. All that galloping around trying to score the best deals is bound to burn off some calories :-)

  11. I did Black Friday last year, and it wasn't too bad. I was impressed by the helpfulness and non-craziness of most people I saw.

  12. 1. Dennis sticks to trad, except for fowl--it dont hafta be turkey--this year it's a duck.
    2. Dennis is thankful for good friends to cuddle with, head pats & belly rubs from humans
    3. Dennis is grateful he is not homeless as yet, but if it comes to that, he will still be thankful for stuff like fresh air.
    4. Dennis remembers being full of lovely bird last year, and the aromas during roasting! meoW!
    5.Dennis will overeat.
    6.Dennis has pets called human slaves--they cook and clean, and yes, they get some food.
    7. Dennis does not pray, but meditates and does yoga.
    8.Dennis does not watch TV but will go for a walk /jog outdoors.
    9.Dennis thinks herb dressing is good with gravy on it. Dennis enjoys the occasional oyster.
    10. Dennis is a Corporate history buff. Dennis knows the history of products like cool whip, not
    11. Dennis eats PUMPKIN PIE old fashioned mincemeat is a close second
    12. Dennis thinks the turkey is food.


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