Monday, November 30, 2009

Poised to Fly Home...

We just got a call from Dr. M’s Aunt J. His mother has possibly had another stroke & is now unresponsive. She may not live more than a week or two. I am so glad that he got to spend quality time with her on Saturday. She recognized him and was happy to see him – it’s a good memory.

Dr. M thought
his family was more
dysfunctional than most.

He thought.

But she welcomed me
with open arms &
I knew that they were just fine.

Just shows you can’t judge
a family from the inside.

And that his mother had
excellent taste.

I’ll miss you Frances
almost as much as your
son will.


  1. Oh, ouch. Glad you all had that time with the family, and especially, as you note, Dr. M's time with Mom on Saturday. Holding you all in prayer.

  2. I have a great MIL too. She welcomed me and has loved me like a daughter.

  3. Sending love your way and prayers to God for you, Dr. M, his momma and family.

  4. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this.

  5. Sending good and peaceful thoughts your way.

  6. I'm so sorry. Best wishes to you and yours.

  7. I am so glad he got to see her this past weekend. Have a safe trip and I am glad your relationship with her was the way it was...good memories are always best then leaving things unsaid!!

    All my best


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