Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bug's Eye View - What's it all mean???

I wrote this bit of fluff before we heard our news about Dr. M's mom. I decided to go ahead & post it anyway.

I’m joining a group of people from Ruth’s site in telling the meaning behind our blog names. I assume we’re still on? Hello? Anyone else out there?

Well, anyway, I don’t have anything else to talk about so I decided to tell my little story.

My Aunt V always calls me Danabug. Well, lots of my relatives do, but I think she started it. I originally didn’t want you guys to know my name (I was shy!), so I decided that my blog title would just have Bug in it. I wanted the blog to be about my point of view, so – Bug’s Eye View.

The End.

That was it folks – why are you looking down here? Now let’s go see where synch.ro.ni.zing came from!

P.S. Happy Birthday Josephine! Heh! Love you brother - and I'm proud of you too!


  1. I did wonder. Thanks for explaining.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Dr. M's mother. May her passing be easeful, and many sincere condolences to you both!

    Never wondered by you named your blog what you did. It's a cool name, so, why not? But thanks anyway.

    Nicknames are great, aren't they?

    Take good care.

  3. Well, the 'eye view' I got. I did wonder where the 'bug' came from.

  4. ...and I'll be back soon.

  5. But what made her call you Danabug???
    I am sorry about Mother. He will be very sad. It makes us feel like small children again.

  6. I like that nickname...Danabug. We have nicknames for our family members also. Our daughter's name is Katy and my Aunts and Mom called her Katydid sometimes. So sorry to hear about your mom-in-law. It is hard to know these things even when they haven't quite happened yet.
    Thanks for directing us to Ruth's blog. It turns out I have seen her before at Sandy's place so now I am following her also.

  7. Oh I love it! Very similar to my story :)

  8. I do not get over to you as much as I should and I apologize. You are always visiting Barry and I and leaving such kind support. I will try too visit more often, really. I love the little story of your Aunt and I think the name of your blog is very creative. I thank Ruth for getting me over to visit again, and you for the good story. Thoughts and prayers to your family.

  9. Must be something to be called a "bug", but the story is nice and amusing! Thanks to Ruth for bringing me here!

  10. Short and sweet, I like that (sort of like the word "Bug" itself).

    But I'm very sorry to read about Dr. M's mother. My thoughts are with you both.

  11. Never been here, but came because I found you at Ruth's!

    One of my favorite bloggers from South Carolina is "palmettobug" - I know what a palmettobug is, and I think I like Danabug a whole lot better. But we call her "Bug", too.

    Fun explanation!

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  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. and so we still don't know, are you short?

  15. Hello Bug, nice to meet you (bending down to shake hands). I am on the "how did you name your blog" crawl. Interesting topic and I am enjoying it!

  16. I am short! I'm 5'4". I don't really think of myself as short until I try to reach something over my head. And when I stand looking up at Dr. M - we're kind of Mutt & Jeffish...

    Shoreacres - I deleted your extra comments :)

    Thanks for stopping by everyone!

  17. I love the story, Bug!

    Clever play on words!

  18. Hi, Danabug. It took me a while to find out what your real name was. I just kept calling you "Bug." It was a relief, because even though it's cute, I think Danabug makes you a much more personal bug.

    I'm very sorry about Dr. M.'s mother. It's very sad. I'm glad you had a good relationship with her, and he was able to have good time with her recently. It's hard doing this. I've been through it with both my parents. I'll be thinking of you.

    Thank you so much for participating, especially at this time!

  19. I think Bug is a great name anyway! Sorry to hear about Dr M's mum. Strength to you all.


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