Thursday, December 31, 2009

I do not like them, Sam-I-am...*

It's New Year's Eve and I should be contemplating the lessons of 2009 and/or planning the accomplishments of 2010. And I may do that tomorrow. But today I thought I would share a recipe for prosperity. Cause aren't you supposed to eat something green** on New Year's Day so you'll be rolling in the dough? I'm too lazy to look it up exactly, but this ought to fill the bill.

My dad has around 160 quarts of canned green beans. And, really, how often do you want to have green beans as your side dish? He's been looking for new ways to eat the beans and I think this one is a winner.

First, you put some of the green beans in a blender.

Add four eggs (be sure to hold your mouth just right)

Add one Ritz Cracker per egg (Daddy says this keeps the eggs from getting tough)

Saute some onions (I would also add some peppers at this point)

Pour the egg mixture over the onions

Add some shredded cheese

Daddy scrambled this, but you could make an omelet as well.

Add a Diet Sun Drop & you have the perfect green meal!

*This is not true - I did like them - they didn't taste like green beans at all - mostly they tasted like eggs with Ritz Crackers in them.
** You may have noticed that the eggs aren't really green at all. I was actually a little bit disappointed.


  1. Happy New Year! I think I was the first to say it! That looks quite yummy, thanks for sharing. I'm so excited to see what this new year has in store for you, I am sure all sorts of wonderful.

  2. You're a braver woman that I. Yuck to green beens, LOL! No matter, you offered a wonderful step by step pictorial instruction which is most impressive! Rock on to a wonderful new year!

  3. wow -- i don't know about green beans in a blender, but it doesn't look so bad when it's all fried up. at first, i thought he might just drink it down!!

  4. I really like green beans but I am not in the least tempted to put them in my eggs!

  5. Ick!! Your dad is too cute!

    Warm, woolly wishes for a wonderful 2010, Bug~!

  6. I love green beans in any way but I think I will leave them out of my eggs if you will forgive me. I will however try crushed crackers in my scrambled eggs - now why haven't I thought of that before.

    Bug, you must have a wonderful New Year and the rest of 2010 also. I will be visiting regularly.

  7. Never heard of using green beans this way. We usually have turnip greens and black eyed peas and sweet pickles on New Years Day but this year we have brunch and a party so we'll have to get our greens somewhere along the way. Happy New Year!

  8. Oh Bug, let me first say that I think there is no question in anyone's mind that your father is an absolutely wonderful man. After all, he helped produce you.

    Having said that, with great sincerity, I now also say:

    You could menace me with that plate of eggs. You could likely get me to behave for unheard of lengths of time by threatening me with merely having to witness the preparation. If you had a plate of those in hand and waved them in my general direction, I would spontaneously reveal the secret location of my mad money stash.

    Holy heck, that looks and sounds dreadful beyond the telling of it (as an aside, isn't it tragic how I can never seem to commit to a decided opinion).

    I wish you a Happy New Year, and many joys to come in it.

    I wish myself continued distance from those eggs!

  9. LOL you guys - it was GOOD! Ha!

    Alane - my sister-in-law was similarly disgusted (she doesn't like eggs, much less ones with green beans in them).

  10. Now I see where you get your sense of humor from! Too funny. I will eat some green stuff tomorrow for good luck. Happy New Year!

  11. My hubs hates eating his greens - maybe I should do this recipe for him as he adored eggs/omelettes.

  12. It was bad enough when I heard about it on the phone, but to have to READ about it, too!! AND PICTURES?!?!?!? This is EXACTLY why, years ago, I gave your father a pitcher and a container labeled with HIS name. A warning to all who opened the fridge that what they think may be one thing, more than likely is something VERY different!! More than once I started to pour a Coke only to realize it was actually a CokeDropPepperDewUPCheerMello!


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