Wednesday, December 23, 2009

18 Days of Christmas - The Sixteenth Day

From now until Christmas day I am treating you to foisting upon you our collection of Christmas poems. If I made our cards that year I'll post a picture of that as well. If you missed yesterday's poem, click on the 18 Days of Christmas button in my sidebar. The way you can tell who wrote which poem is to note whose name is listed first at the end.

We're on the home stretch! I know I'm relieved - how about you? I sent out a few homemade cards this year, but everyone else got store-bought (well, charity-bought, actually). We did include a picture of a manger scene (purchased from Ten Thousand Villages) with a penguin placemat underneath it - we thought the incongruity matched the poem pretty well. The angel is a bridesmaid's favor from the wedding of the very cousin mentioned in the poem (hey Kim - up with penguins, down with bears!).

Penguins are in this year,
More so than polar bears,
Though dear cousin cares not
For this dreadful fad.
Worse yet, I bet you’ll see
Lots of pairs of penguins
And bears, though in nature
No such habitat exists.
Still, this is Christmastime
When miracles abound.
And as we cruise the cities,
Villages and towns filled
With lights and sounds,
I am amazed by the many
Displays that, in their own way,
Show respect to the simple manger,
Holy Crèche, where our savior saw
First light that winter’s night
In Bethlehem. Baby Jesu, verily
We have not forgotten you.

Mike & Dana Rhyne

Christmas 2007


  1. I've enjoyed your poems. We visited the Boston Zoo years ago and my favorite were the jackass penguins - so tiny and cute.

    Have a wonderful Christmas.

  2. I'm just getting caught up on your poems and am loving them all! No matter how much is the same each year with our decorations and our rituals, there are always variables that make each season unique. Sending blessings for a holy season.

  3. I love the display, especially the sheep. My grand daughter's favorite zoo animal so far is the penquin. Last time we were there I bought her a pink one.
    Looking forward to seeing what you and your hubby came up with this year.

  4. Delightful posting. Hope you and yours have a great new year, the best ever.


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