Saturday, February 18, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Seven

It was a quiet week in the Bug household. I made fun of Dr. M having Manflu, but he really was sick. He still took pictures for us every day (thank goodness), but he stayed home & recuperated. I think that today he’s finally starting to feel better.

Sunday, February 12th    
Our neighborhood hawk. So pretty - & deadly!

Monday, February 13th
There’s a moon in the sky!

Dr. M took a picture of this almost frozen pond. I love that tree.

Tuesday, February 14th
Squirrels, birds…something you just never see around here. Ha!

Cardinal in a tree – they’re just so cheerful in the winter.

Look! This cardinal gave us a heart for Valentine’s Day! Can you see it?

Wednesday, February 15th
Our doves are back – looking fat & contented.

Thursday, February 16th  
The State of the Bug. I’m listening to another tender vittles audio book. This week it’s Sarah’s Key – about a Jewish girl in occupied France in 1942.

Friday, February 17th   
Doves on a wire. Love how the sun hits them up there.

I took a number of pictures at work today. I was reading Ruth’s blog about her special place to write (check it out here if you’d like), and I realized that most of my poetry gets written at work. Here’s my view – it’s not too bad. I’m looking out at the main entrance to the building & I have to laugh because the windows are reflective – so people walking in & out are checking out their looks (and sometimes making “adjustments”) & don’t know that I can see them. Ha!

I don’t know if you can see, but the guard is in the left of the picture getting ready to chase the geese away. He spends half his time chasing geese.

The company that owns the building (not the one I work for) is having a special initiative this year. The person who “wins” gets a new car. They’ve had signs in the lobby, but these just showed up in the bathroom this week. I don’t know about you, but I think I would be offended by them. They aren’t even aimed at me & I’m offended! What’s really funny is that the ladies that work for the other company don’t ever loiter in the bathroom that I can tell.

Saturday, February 18th  
This squirrel is getting ready to ice skate.

Winter sun.

I met a friend for lunch today - & did I get a picture of her or our meal (at Jason’s Deli)? No – I took a picture of the Trader Joe’s sign. I’d never been to one before so I wanted to commemorate the occasion.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. I could not believe how many hawks we saw as we drove to Indiana last week. You would see one about every 1/2 mile.

    I loved Sarah's key....but boy it's a hard story.

  2. I could be wrong but I think your beautiful bird is a Coopers hawk, they're known for that wonderful white and brown mottled breast plumage.

  3. Love the hawk! Tell Dr. M he made my day with the wonderful birds...but especially the hawk.

  4. I really need to take more pictures at work- I spend half my life there!

  5. We have geese roaming around our business park too! The act as a kind of casual security gang. Like you, I would be massively offended if signs like those appeared in the workplace bathroom. I used to work in my local council's IT dept. I knew it was the wrong place for me, it had 'Quiet Please' signs all over the place.

  6. gorgeous hawk...i can't get over your moon shot, beautiful!
    geese: nasty!

    candid pics can be so funny; do you ever make faces at them? hahah

  7. The shot of the hawk is amazing.

    We need for you to take photos of the people checking themselves out in that reflective building. :) That's hilarious. I would never get anything done.

  8. Those signs in the bathroom ARE offensive. I hated the last place I worked for hanging all kinds of notices in the bathroom. I can't tell you how many 12 hour shifts I worked on critically ill patients without a single break. At least once in my shift, I considered myself lucky to get a break to relieve myself. THere I'd sit looking at the latest minutes from the last staff meeting. Morons.

  9. I have to add Sarah's key to my list......

    great shots this week, love cardinals any time...


  10. love the hawk picture. my extended family was hit pretty hard with the flu this week. tis the season; hope dr m is feeling better!
    I liked seeing where you work!!

  11. Great photos, the bathroom signs are a bit much? Glad the manflu is on the mend:)

  12. I feel like that hawk was ready to poke my eyes out with its beak ... scary!!!

    Ahhh - me no likey sad Bug faces

  13. no loitering! That's brilliant :D And the bird, the first one, wow! And the squirrel. I love squirrels; I know they're just rats that are cute but still, I really do love them. Your photos are really good though, and I'm amazed you don't use filters?

  14. the shot of the winter sun is just beautiful through the trees

  15. Glad to hear Dr. M is feeling better. And glad he felt well enough to snap the shutter on the camera :) What would we do without our husband's contributions to P365?! Ivan took at least half of ours this week.
    So are you enjoying the book? I'm always looking for recommendations.
    I don't think I've ever been to a Trader Joe's. Must try to visit one next furlough. Is it worthy of all the hype?

  16. I still have yet to go to trader joes...but I will some day. I hear it is a great place. That hawk picture is awesome and you know I love your moon shots. So perfect.

  17. We have a Trader Joe's here and they have great stuff, but I don't shop there (to rich for my wallet!). Loved the heart from the wonderfully red cardinal. I tried to read Sarah's Keys and couldn't get into it, oh well, maybe this summer I will try again! Hope hubby is feeling better!

  18. Most impressed with the hawk, get even weller soon Dr. M, and I can't believe those signs in the toilets!
    Does writing at work count as loitering?

  19. I do love the sight of a cardinal on a winter's day!


  20. LOVE these photos, especially that gorgeous moon, the grand hawk, and those adorable squirrels. The bit about your reflective office windows made me laugh out loud...making a mental note now.

  21. Stunning first photo!
    So, you shared the sickies with hubby? :(
    I'm still disappointed that you two couldn't make it last week.

  22. Gorgeous. You make me want to write a poem about a hawk and the moon.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Five

Dear America, you are whack. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (This was last week’s intro. It seemed apt this week too. Will I just ...