Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Salt Therapy

I watch yonder wave
catch hold of the shore.
It caresses my ankles
and nips at my thighs,
covers that part of me
that no one can touch.
It is a cool balm
for futile passion.
My mind settles
into its briny hold,
logy and content.
One by one, my burdens
succumb to the deep.
One by one, my cares
drift down to the deep.


  1. Hmm. A siren song of the sea.

    You only sent me to the dictionary once for this. Always a treat to read your poetry.

  2. I guess 'logy' is a cousin of 'groggy'? How odd...

  3. Logy: Characterized by lethargy; sluggish

  4. Thanks ladies! I kinda wish I was seaside even now :)

  5. Nice! Believe it or not...I have never really spent any time at a beach.

  6. What a perfect description of the first day at the beach. A really moving poem. I feel as if it were written to describe my own feelings.

  7. Logy is a terrific word! I could almost hear the sea reading this.

  8. "briny hold." perfect. Taking some time today to catch up and am glad to view your pics from last week at leisure. Looks like a nice time, and time spent sea-side is so therapeutic, even if nothing ails us!

  9. I have posted 175 vacation pics over on my blog, grouped in five sea-island-related posts, in the midst of which is sandwiched my Memorial Day post. I have one more group to put up, probably tomorrow: my cotton mill pics from where I grew up. Hope you enjoy the sea island pics! We surely enjoyed taking them :-)
    Dr. M

  10. I love that first line of the wave catching hold of the shore!! I'm keeping that in mind as I walk the edges in Spain next week!

  11. This was so perfect since I am at the beach at Panama City. It topped my vacay off just perfectly. Thanks for sharing it.

  12. Yes, briny sea sidey
    bliss -- you captured it beautifully.
    Will get to the beach very soon, I hope!

  13. Yes, that's it. Perfect.

    One by one, my burdens
    succumb to the deep.
    One by one, my cares
    drift down to the deep.


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