Sunday, March 17, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Eleven

Spring keeps trying to arrive – and I have some flower pictures to prove it – but darn, it’s still an icebox around here! Brr! I keep waiting for the 15 minutes in spring when I have nothing to complain about regarding the weather. Ha!
Sunday, March 10th    
Backyard critters.

Monday, March 11th    
I love this picture Dr. M took of three geese – their wings are all at a different place as they get up to speed.

Tuesday, March 12th           
Brooding sky pictures.

Wednesday, March 13th   
Early morning campus deer.


Junkyard deer.

Thursday, March 14th    
This morning Steve Reed was talking about Victoria Falls on his blog & I mentioned that I just happened to be wearing the earrings that my mom bought for me in Victoria Falls when she & my grandmother came to see me in Zambia. The State of the Bug – wearing 26 year old earrings. Ha!

I had to get a picture of the giant leprechaun hat on the sign of a restaurant near where I work. This is the same restaurant that had the ginormous spider on its roof at Halloween.

I do believe that this cow is staring at Dr. M. Actually, that looks like the Evil Eye to me…

My birthday primrose is blooming again! It always looks a little rough, but I love how it just keeps on keeping on.

Got this in the mail today. Heck yeah I’m unhappy with my maid service!

Friday, March 15th  
Birds in the ‘hood.

Dr. M doing one of his favorite things – maybe it will actually be warm enough to sit out there soon!

Saturday, March 16th      
Dr. M had to go to school today for a meet & greet. On this way home he saw a red winged blackbird singing its heart out. Love these guys.

And the flowers that we saw last week have opened up.

While he was gone I made soda bread for a benefit we were having at church that afternoon. It’s been a long time since I had to cut in butter – it takes more energy than I remembered!

We had a good turnout – good food (corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, green beans, things with green icing), & good music. I helped serve & was there for about five hours. The look on my face is “uh oh, that third cupcake was NOT a good idea!” I came home & went to bed at 9:30 & didn’t wake up until 9:00 (which means I was late for church – oops!).

While I was gone Dr. M was making our own St. Patrick’s Day soda bread. It’s very tasty. And huge! We put some in the freezer for future soda bread emergencies.

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Love that picture of you and the earrings! It looks like you are modeling them. :)

  2. Yes, great state of the Bug pic!
    Striking primrose!
    Spring blooms already?
    So, where do I go to win free housecleaning???!!!

  3. Love the picture of you with your earrings from Victoria Falls! Isn't it funny how full life is of those little coincidences?

    Not sure about the cow staring at Dr. M. - it looks like she is thinking of charging Dr. M.

  4. I think I have earrings even older than that. (And I don't even wear earrings anymore.)

    That table full of green frosting made me feel a little icky. I'd much rather have some of your (or The Professor's) soda bread. It looked lovely and chewy.

    And I'm with you--this cold weather is making me shiver AND really appreciate last year's balmy and lovely anomalous winter and early spring. I hope it hurries and warms up!

  5. Nice earrings! They don't LOOK 26 years old. :) It was funny how we were on a wavelength that day.

    I love red-wing blackbirds. They're my favorite bird, I think -- if I had to pick one. Which I don't.

    That soda bread looks amazing!

  6. I can see why Dr M likes the hammock - looks like a nice place to chill out. That soda bread looks good

    I just bought a round pizza tray - which means that when i make it at home i can now have round pizza instead of square

  7. Are Llamas always that orangy color or is that just a "punk" llama? ;)


  8. The geese are a perfect demonstration of God-ordained flight! We humans are so awkward trying to replicate it!

    Love the cow - don't think it's evil eye, more likely looking for love. ha ha After all, it IS spring!

  9. Love the 26-year-old earrings. I'm sure the soda bread was delish.

  10. Love those earrings and I am going to make soda bread...and bread this weekend while Frank is at school and I am home alone. Can't wait! Yours looked delish. I too have had problems getting my name to show up on Fran's page...

  11. The deer look spooky. Perhaps you should pair them with the Halloween picture of Spidey.

    I can't believe you have blooms in your garden. If I do, they're still under snow. I'm so over Winter on this first day of Spring!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...