Sunday, March 31, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Thirteen

The week started out with snow and ended with a walk in our favorite fen. Today is Easter, so my semi blog break is at an end. We’ll see if my creativity has been restored :)
Sunday, March 24th    
The State of the Bug: I wore one of my grandmother’s hats to church.

It started snowing that afternoon.

By that evening Dr. M was able to scoop some up.

Monday, March 25th    
This was my view on my way to work.

Dr. M took these pictures in our back yard – such a pretty snow.

Tuesday, March 26th           
Neighborhood snowman.

I swear this cow looks stoned! You can still see the weed coming out of her mouth. Heh.

Wednesday, March 27th   
The Tax Time Pig is ready for Easter.

Little fox squirrels on Dr. M’s campus.

The story here is hilarious. Dr. M saw the burro chasing the llama around the cows. Then the burro stopped & rolled around on the ground. Then it decided to stare at Dr. M.

The moon!

Thursday, March 28th    
Grackle – as I often say, so much prettier than its name (or reputation).

Friday, March 29th  
I got some surprise Feryl Designs earrings in the mail – sweet! Rebecca makes some really fabulous jewelry. Check out her facebook or Etsy page.

I’m working on a prayer shawl for a friend.

Mr. Cardinal strutting his stuff.

Starling – another bird much prettier than his reputation!

Saturday, March 29th    
Dr. M & I went to church this morning to help set up for Easter. I took a quick picture of the Good Friday almost bare altar (I used PicMonkey for the effect). When we left it looked quite different – but that’s a picture for next week.

Afterward we went to Siebenthaler Fen to see if any swamp marigolds were blooming yet. We didn’t see any, but it was still a lovely walk.  

I played around with the panorama feature on my camera (took 5 different overlapping pictures to get this scene). It’s kind of odd, because the sidewalk on the right of the picture is actually a continuation of the sidewalk on the left. It was behind me and then I turned around taking the picture.

I always have to get a picture of the cattails.

And Dr. M always has to take pictures of birds. Here are a red wing blackbird, a red bellied woodpecker and a robin.

It was a lovely walk, and the bare branches were in keeping with the tone of Holy Saturday. It wasn’t quite time to burst forth into life. Almost, but not quite.

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Love the Tax Pig, even if he does look like he's eaten one PEEP too many. Happy Easter.

  2. The things us burro's have to do to get a backscratch. :)

    Happy Easter to you and Dr. M.


  3. excellent photos as usual. I particularly like the one of the bare branches with snow and birds. and Dr. M got the grackle and starling in the perfect light to show off their beautiful colors.

  4. Dr. M should have a photography business. His photographs are superb. I do love that photo of the cardinal in the tree. It's stunning. I would definitely purchase that picture!

  5. What a wonderful collection of photos! It's not even worth trying to pick a favorite here. I do love all the snow pics - of course, I see it as frozen rain, and rain is what we all want in our Easter basket, so it makes sense that the snow would be a fav. Of course, adding in that cardinal is a plus.

    I don't think I've ever seen a prettier photo of a starling. The colors are just amazing. And your grackels are different than ours. We have the boat-tailed. Those boys really can strut their stuff - they're so funny. We may have your kind, too, but they don't get noticed because of the others.

    The cow does look a little out of it. We'll call it "placid" and not be suspicious of illegal activity.

    And finally, I love the hat. A friend and I were talking about our childhood Easter bonnets - all straw and netting and ribbon. White gloves, too! And matching purses. And of course - white ankle socks! Good gosh. How times have changed.

    Happy Easter!

  6. So pretty! Your photos are so lovely.

    Love your grandma's hat! You totally rock it :)

    Gorgeous prayer shawl, too. Absolutely LOVE those colors!

    Have a wonderful, blessed Easter!

  7. Your pictures are just getting better and better. I agree - the snow looks so pretty, but I do remember that after January it got more and more difficult to like the snow.

    Love love love the picture of you in your grandmother's hat. You look absolutely beautiful and radiant!

  8. Correction: those are American Red squirrels, not Fox bad. They love UU...we have the right mix of trees for them, including some impressive pines to go along with the oaks, hickories, etc. I actually think we have Red, Gray, and Fox squirrels on campus. No black squirrels, though...too bad.

    Dr. M

  9. Cardinals always look so amazing against snow. It's like nature's perfect color combination.

    That boardwalk through the fen looks really interesting, and I love the panorama!

    Thanks to Dr. M for the squirrel correction! We have fox squirrels in Florida, and I was going to say they don't look like that! I've never seen an American red squirrel, at least not that I can remember.

  10. Really amazing photography.
    Have to say that my eye really kept going back to the small red bird on the snowy branches of a tree.

    Smack bang in the middle of a prosaic photo of some wintry branches and then! The centrepiece!

    Well done the pair of you.

  11. Vintage is soo in the hat! An a blessed happy easter tide to you and yours.

  12. some great shots of birds - the snow shots remind me that the weather isn't so bad here after all

    great shots

  13. You look GREAT in Grandma's hat. Did she wear it with the pin as well? I agree with the folks who say the Grackle photo is lovely ... for an unlovely type of bird!

    You and Dr. M seem to have the photo-eye...

  14. Love the bunny pig. Loved the light at the cross shot, the moon, the birds were amazing. Your post this week made me smile a lot. Thank you for having such a great eye.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...