Thursday, May 29, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Seeing the decorated car at the wedding this past weekend reminded me of our car at our wedding, but I don't have any of those pictures scanned in so you'll just have to wait to see how creative our friends were. Here, instead, are pictures of my truck in Zambia after all the missionary kids stuffed it full of newspaper (which if you've read my Zambia posts you've already seen).

Yes, I paused to read the comics.

Monday, May 26, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Twenty-one

I love the month of May – the weather is (generally) so lovely, and I still feel a frisson of joy when I see a flower blooming (unlike August, when I’m fanning myself & going, “whatever, another daisy…”). I guess if you have to come back to reality after a vacation it’s best to do it in May. 

I’m a little late getting the post up because Dr. M officiated a wedding yesterday! It was his first wedding as officiant & I must say he did a fabulous job. I’ll have some pictures from the wedding next week, but if you don’t want to wait go ahead & check out Dr. M’s blog now.

Sunday, May 18th       
My Daily Walk.

I cooked dinner again!

Monday, May 19th
My Daily Walk – I mailed a birthday card to a friend.

Squirrel enjoying his snack.

Tuesday, May 20th            
My Daily Walk – I thought I might get rained on, but fortunately it held off (since I was at work – I wouldn’t mind a little rain if I was walking at home).

Our neighbor’s irises have been lovely!

Dr. M got a new bird feeder. The birds seem to love it just as much as the old ones. It makes me smile.

Wednesday, May 21st
I finished another jigsaw puzzle at work.

Our annual hanging basket – pretty in purple.

My Daily Walk. We got a thunderstorm & hail. When the hail finished I went on out to choir practice, but decided to just do my walk on the Gazelle instead of taking a chance in the storm. Of course, by the time I’d finished the storm was finished too. Ha!

Thursday, May 22nd  
My Daily Walk – glorious day!

Dr. M had to go to campus so he got to see one of the campus deer.

I love these purple flowers that bloom every spring. Dr. M knows that he has to take a picture for me :)

Friday, May 23rd
My Daily Walk.

A microcosm of our back yard birds.

We have a hawk now too – here he’s making off with his dinner. Fortunately we have plenty of sparrows to spare!

Saturday, May 24th  
My Daily Walk. I usually just like to listen to the world around me when I walk, but this audio book expires in just a few days!

The wedding rehearsal – such a lovely location!

Last minute wedding gift. I made three dishcloths in the afternoon. Their kitchen color is red :)

Have a great week!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Twenty

What a fabulous week! And of course we took a bajillion pictures. I exercised great restraint in the ones I’m posting here. It helps that Dr. M posted a number of his fabulous bird, dolphin and scenery pictures on his blog. So if you want to see the pretty side of our trip – pictures taken by an actual real photographer with a real camera (as opposed to my random cell phone pictures) go to his blog.

Sunday, May 11th       
I cooked lunch this day – I know! I’m amazed too (and AMUSED – I cooked lunch today too & had asparagus & chicken again – ha!).

The Daily Walk. I thought it was going to rain on me - & boy was I ready for it. I was HOT.


Monday, May 12th
We drove to the beach today – Dewey Beach, Delaware.

My Daily Walk. After a twelve hour drive I just took a minute to walk out to check out the beach.

Tuesday, May 13th            
Breakfast – I had these French Toast casseroles EVERY DAY. Pretty sweet view from the desk in the room.

The Daily Walk. Yep – the best one so far in May :)

We had so much fun on that one that we took another one at a nature area. I liked it just as much.

Dr. M doing what he does.

Wednesday, May 14th
This is a man in his happy place.

Here too :)

The Daily Walk – along the boardwalk in Rehobeth Beach.

It was chilly & rainy today so I bundled up to read on the balcony.

Thursday, May 15th       

Reading on the balcony – what a difference a day makes! It was a gorgeous day.

My daily walk. Sigh.

I was highly amused when I realized that I was wearing my reading glasses while my sunglasses were on my head. Ha!

The moon!

Friday, May 16th
Sunrise – I got up to go to the bathroom & took this picture. Then I went back to bed. Ha!

It was really rainy today so I thought this would be my only walk – at the outlet stores. Where I bought five (FIVE!!) pairs of shoes. Five! I used to love to get new shoes, but then the Hip Troubles began & new shoes were simply No Fun. I have to confess though – I bought old lady shoes. A pair of walking shoes, converse sneakers (yes, the ones with the bright pink laces), flip flops, black ballet flats, & brown Merrills. But I was pretty darn blissful about it all.

The Real Daily Walk. Let’s all just sigh again, shall we?

Saturday, May 17th  
We drove home today.

The Daily Walk, at the Sideling Hill rest area. Lots of stairs! Based on how tight my calves are today I’m thinking I should add more stairs to my daily menu.

Sunset on the way home.


Have a great week!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...